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公用事业电力厂。Public utility electricity power plant.

还有一件事,公用事业费不包括在房租里。One more thing, utilities are not included in the rent.

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其他经交通部认定为公用事业者。Other public utility enterprises as determined by MOTC.

我们所讨论的公用事业,以帮助彩色失明人士。We have discussed the utility to help color-blind people.

随着生产的增加,其公用事业费也将上升。As production increased, the utility cost could go up too.

这一工程将为达到公用事业规模的风电项目提供一个范本。The project will provide a prototype for utility-scale projects.

而公用事业公司最终也会发现,他们当初投资安装智能电表的做法,实在称得上明智。Utilities could finally justify their smart meter investments too.

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居住地证明是摩托车登记所必须的,但只要一张公用事业的账单就足够了。Proof of residence was obligatory. A utilities bill was sufficient.

第一,我们尽了最大的努力阻止公用事业公司的所谓的“叠煎饼”策略。First, we did our best to stop what was called pancaking by utilities.

公用事业机构可以利用汽车电池的研究成果。And utilities can piggy-back on research efforts for vehicle batteries.

这可以使用“添加或删除程序”公用事业窗口。This can be done using the "add or remove programs" utility in Windows.

这将打开大门,一长列的游戏,模拟器和其他公用事业。This opens the door to a long list of games, emulators and other utilities.

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市议会必须建勤对公用事业部门的批评。The city council had to back off from its criticism of the utility department.

公用事业类股去年的收益率更高,但跌的也更惨。Utility stocks offered even higher yields last year -- and bigger losses, too.

公用事业很支持这样的系统,也称为太阳热能,比光伏太阳能昂贵。Utilities often favor such systems, also called solar thermal, over costlier PV.

目前,有十几家公用事业单位正在评估CAES应用的场所。At present, more than a dozen utilities are evaluating sites for CAES application.

市议会必需建勤对公用事业部门的批评。The country council get to hand off since its criticism of the utility department.

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如果你有一池,你知道你的采暖来说可以通过公用事业法案屋顶。If you have a pool, you know heating it can run your utility bill through the roof.

包括公用事业,电讯业和银行业在内,它的股市极为迟钝。The Portuguese stock market is pretty dull. There are utilities, telecos and banks.

他们为公用事业公司工作,维护穿越道路系统和管道系统的林地。They may work for utility companies, maintaining rights-of-way and pipeline systems.