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中午时本人们吃了一顿饭。At noon we ate a meal.

钟以报过午时。The clock struck noon.

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他应许午时打电话来?。He promised to call at noon.

工人在中午时停止工作。The workers quit work at noon.

你认为到中午时雨会停吗?Do you think it'll stop by noon?

中午时风开始向岸上吹了。The wind began to set in at noon.

你认为到中午时雨会停吗?Do you think it will stop by noon?

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日晕三更雨,月晕午时风。Halo around the sun or moon , rain or snowsoon.

下午时,我们打篮球或者网球。In the afternoon, we play basketball or tennis.

下午时我们慢慢向山下移动。We passed slowly down the hill in the afternoon.

最多自带水果,在下午时吃一点。Most bringing fruits, when afternoon eats a spot.

半夜�微光幽幽,中午时紫光熠熠There midnight's all a glimmer, and noon a purple glow

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半夜里微光幽幽,中午时紫光熠熠。There midnights all a glimmer, and noon a purple glow.

但他却认为太阳在黎明时离我们远,而在中午时离我们近。But he believes the sun is farther at dawn and nearer at noon.

说是午时喷洒雄黄酒是避邪。Announcements, updates, is said to ward off evil spraying noon.

医家则于午时采药,相传此日天医星临空。Doctors at noon herbs, traditionally the stars overhead medicine days.

披萨在一百午时多年前,随着移民的意大利人进入美国。Pizza first arrived in America with the Italian immigrants about 150 years ago.

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太阳正当午时,我突然注意到美尔根躁动不安。The sun was midway across the sky when I noticed how restless Maheegun had become.

当我问他是否有持午时,他说因为身体有病而不能持午。I asked him "Did you eat after mid-day?" His answered was "Yes, because I am sick".

我只想下午时飘去餐厅-,更加容易,更少痛苦“I just want to float to the dining hall after-- " so much easier, so much less painful."