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上下颠倒了。It's upside down.

“上下颠倒”排第三。“Upside-downy” is third.

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那张图画上下颠倒。The picture is upside down.

颠倒梦想女诗人。Poetess Inverting the Dream.

那幅画上下颠倒了。That picture is upside down.

这幅画上下颠倒了。This picture is upside down.

为什么不把它上下颠倒呢?Why not turn it upside down?

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这与过去的情形可是完全颠倒了。It's a topsy-turvy situation.

她把那幅画挂得上下颠倒了。She hang the picture upside down.

一个多么上下颠倒的星球阿?!What an upside down planet, huh?!

禁止FAK颠倒这个作用。Inhibiting FAK reversed the effects.

我现在就像个颠倒的火山。I'm like an upside-down volcano here.

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这个习语是在讲一个人上下颠倒了么?Does this mean a person is upside down?

先付出,再索取,切莫颠倒。First, then get paid, never topsy-turvy.

随后他把我颠倒过来,使劲的抖。Then he turned me upside-down and shook me.

是的,我认为那些薄片是颠倒的。Yes, I agree that the sheet is upside down.

而上下颠倒的地图则展示了一个不同的世界。An upside-down one reveals a different world.

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踢打我,毁谤我,你不能颠倒我的是非。Kick me, kike me, don't you wrong or right me.

实际上,他的世界已经变得颠倒混乱。In truth, his world has been turned upside-down.

鱼出水后不再会颠倒混乱。Fish are no longer upside-down when out of water.