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他有严重的腹绞痛。He had an awful colic.

旱情严重。The drought is serious.

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那是一次严重的失策。This was a big mistake.

这张照片跑焦如此严重!How canon this photo is!

这是一个严重错误。This is a grave mistake.

事态严重。The situation is serious.

你看见堵车有多严重了吗?Have you seen the traffic?

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是关于孤独症的严重程度吗Is the severity of autism?

严重的是,现在——RealPlayer?Seriously, now—RealPlayer?

霜霉病可能很严重。Downy mildew can be severe.

这些是严重的罪行。These are serious offences.

这是非常严重的失误。Thatis very serious mistake.

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油漆在严重剥落。The paint is chipping badly.

我有严重的自卑感!I have serious Self-contempt.

他有严重的心脏病。He has a badly-diseased heart.

现在是严重的低密时期。Now that's a serious downturn.

引擎严重撞坏了。The engine was badly battered.

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这是一个严重的错误。That is a grave miscalculation.

这是个严重的失败,托丽女士。This is a major fail Ms Tolley.

剽窍是严重的违纪行为。Plagiorism is a serious offense.