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卤素单质中,哪一种氧化性最强?。Which is the strongest oxidizing agent in the halogen?

配备了卤素工作灯及出现停止按钮。Equipped with halogen work lamp & emergence stop button.

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非卤素,不腐蚀,不飞溅,不起臭味。No halogens , no splash, uncorrodible, and without odour.

无卤素,加工性好,热稳定性好。Non-halogen, Nonhazardous, Easy to be processed, Heat resistance.

除了HID灯、卤素灯泡用白灯也被允许的。Besides HID lamps, halogen bulbs with whiter light are also allowed.

卤素原子同氮化合物一样,作为净化剂。The halogen atoms play the same scavenging role as nitrogen compounds.

1986年,严兆强在俄亥俄州奥罗拉创立了一家照明企业,销售卤素灯泡。In 1986, Mr. Yan started a lighting business here, selling halogen bulbs.

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无卤素树脂组合物,绝缘电线,和线束。Non-halogen resin composition, insulated electrical wire, and wire harness.

卤素管加热。整机具有自动控温、运行平稳、辊压效果好等。Automatic temperature control system, with good heating and rolling Effects.

打开照明灯后盖,取出原有的卤素灯泡。Open the rear cover of the headlamp and pull the installed halogen lamp out.

第一节为卤素多孔塑料光纤传感探头的研究。The first section is studies on halides-ion porous plastic optical fiber probe.

传统光源卤素灯泡用于前照灯照明,在节能和寿命上存在不足。Automobile headlight with halogen lamp has limitations on work-time and efficiency.

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作为人造光大营中的一员,卤素灯光会对葡萄酒产生各种各样的损害。Being a kind of artificial lights, halogen lights damage wines in a number of ways.

由于卤素灯泡会变得很热,所以,必须将灯具置于距离其他物体至少20厘米的地方。The lamp must be placed at least 20 cm from other objects as halogen bulbs get very hot.

比较典型卤素光这是1400流明,你会看到这一点。Compare this with a typical halogen light which is 1400 lumens , and you'll see the point.

多卤化物的形成取决于中心卤化物离子与卤素的结合。The formation of polyhalides depends on the combination of a central halide ion with a halogen.

WZ型钻头可应用于多种板材加工,例如纸基板、环氧树脂板、无卤素板、铝基板、陶瓷板等板材。WZ type drill can be applied to process many plates, such as paper phenolic plate, epoxy resin plate.

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与传统的卤素灯泡不同,它们使用氙气充填,可形成弧形的照明效果。In place of conventional halogen bulbs, they use xenon gas-filled lamps that create an illuminated arc.

聚乙二醇可作为卤素交换氟化反应有效的相转移催化剂。Polyethylene glycols can be used as effective phase transfer catalyst in halogen exchange fluorination.

比如,你可以在卤素软件网找到一整套人才管理软件。For example, you can find a complete suite of talent management software at the Halogen Software website.