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他又风尘仆仆地踏上了去中国的旅程。He was on his way to China again.

她看起来怏怏不乐,并且风尘仆仆需要沐浴一番。She looks unhappy and in dire need of a bath.

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他风尘仆仆的来到学校的时候,已经是两天后了。He be fatigued with the journey to school, is two days.

经过风尘仆仆的跋涉之后,看到湖水真让人感到心旷神怡。After our long, dusty hike, the lake was a sight for sore eyes.

杰勒德面孔晒得黝黑黝黑,从头到脚风尘仆仆。Gerald bronzed in the face and travel-stained from head to foot.

星期日晚上,他刚刚到达雪莱温泉馆,筋疲力尽,风尘仆仆。He arrived at the Shelly Hot Springs, tired and dusty, onSunday night.

看完鸟类以后,风尘仆仆的卡迪拉克载我们回到策地酒店去用午餐。The by now very dusty Cadillac then took us back to our own lunch at The Chedi.

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届时,千千万万的欧美人风尘仆仆地赶回家中团聚。By then, hundreds of thousands of people in Europe and America to drive home the road reunion.

我们风尘仆仆,我们筚路蓝缕,一路走到了今天。It has been a tiring journey, one of pioneering hardship, all on one road that has led to today.

这样,风尘仆仆的过路人在吃饭的时间进门歇歇脚不至于饿着肚子离开。It ensured that should a wayfaring stranger drop by during meal times he or she would not go away hungry.

快开车了,他们俩收拾好毛线,朝那辆风尘仆仆的卡车走去。It was almost time to start off again, so they packed up the yarn and started off towards the dusty truck.

进来的正是布伦特·马兰德,他有点风尘仆仆,手提旅行袋和雨伞。It was Brently Mallard who entered, a little travel-stained, composedly carrying his grip-sack and umbrella.

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走进来的人是布雷特力。马兰德,有点儿风尘仆仆,从容地提着他的手提箱和雨伞。It was Brently Mallard who entered, a little travel-stained, composedly carrying his grip-sack and umbrella.

在他风尘仆仆的一路上,遇到了一位还差8天就年满百岁的老人陈佳珍。In him travel-worn all the way, met one also to miss 8 day to be hundred year-old old person Chen Jia treasure.

本地的白人骑着马匹,风尘仆仆的,而北方来的旅者则驾着汽车沿着乡下的沙土路一路驶来。The native whites rode dusty horses, and the Norther tourists traveled down the sandy village road in automobiles.

本地的白人骑着风尘仆仆的马匹,而北方来的旅游者则驾着汽车沿着乡下的沙土路一路驶来。The native whites rode dusty horses, and the northern tourists traveled down the sandy village road in automobiles.

一个人风尘仆仆地到达了香格里拉汽车站,马上就结识了一个日本男孩和两位来自南宁的女士。When I travel-stained arrived the coach station of Shangri-la by myself, I met a Japanese and two ladies from Naning at once.

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风尘仆仆的赶到墨西哥后,杰瑞在异乡经历着曲折的寻枪过程。After hurrying to Mexico travel-stainedly, outstanding luck is experiencing the meandering course that find a gun in foreign land.

所以,我们看到很多人依然风尘仆仆,在风雪之中匆匆忙忙地赶路,在纯净的雪景里把自己搞得焦躁狼狈。So, , we see a lot of people are still in a hurry fatigued with the journey, walk in the snow, get anxious panic in the pure snow.

去年,朱泽琴风尘仆仆走访了中国六个偏僻的省份,寻找那些步入暮年的传统音乐艺术。Last year, Dadawa went on a road trip through six of China's most far-flung provinces to find masters of vanishing musical traditions.