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他是位英明领袖。He is a wise leader.

先帝可是英明的君主。The late Emperor was a wise and valiant man.

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那天,站在我们面前的既是一位了不起的人,也是一位英明的领导。A great man and leader stood before us that day.

您不愧是当今最英明的人主。You live up to the title of most brilliant emperor.

而麦凯恩是位已过中年的人,英明的人。And McCain is over The middle-aged people, wise people.

他的英明领导使人民安全渡过战争关。His wise leadership brought the people through the war.

多年时光转瞬即逝,谁又能总是高贵而英明?So many years have past, who are the noble and the wise?

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我们忘记了英明领导的准则和实践。We forgot the principles and practices of wise leadership.

因为它毫无策略,所以是一个英明的策略。It was a brilliant strategy, because it lacked all strategy.

让我们感谢上帝的英明和怜悯。Let us thank God for this great deliverance and his mercies.

不过,尽管你的主意不错,你朋友的策略却堪称英明。But while your idea is good, your friend's strategy is brilliant.

我们现在所有的幸福生活都是源于他的英明领导。All the happiness we have now maybe is due to his wise leadership.

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法官,不论多么英明或者杰出,他们也是人,也会犯错误。Judges, however wise or eminent, are mortak and can make mistakes.

有她的英明领导,她的团队取得了一个又一个的成功。Under her wise leadership, her group got big successes one by one.

他“非常的友好温和,并且英明,”他的儿子回忆道。He was “exceedingly friendly, mild and wise,” his son would recall.

在许多方面,美国是世界上最英明的国家。In many ways, the United States is the wisest country in the world.

陈英明表示,法兰克福书展就是“出版业的奥林匹克”。Thebook fair, Chen said, was" Olympics of the publishing industry".

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郑余庆是那么的正直英明,人们都称赞他。Zheng Yuqing was so honest and wise that people always praised him.

做个快乐的人。那是英明智慧的一条路径。Be happy. It's one way of being wise. "- Sidonie Gabrielle Colette".

世贤和戊己得到消息,准备揭发英明的罪行。Shixian and Wuji get the news and plan to expose Yingming's misdeed.