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小伙子对着女孩钟情地低语。The young man cooed over the girl.

所以你钟情你的哲学了?That`s how you like your philosophy?

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我钟情于非外卖食品。I'm obsessed with not chucking away food.

对于她对他的钟情,他从未报之以冷淡。He had never discouraged her devotion to him.

但你却只钟情于自己的明眸。But thou, contracted to thine own bright eyes.

追求者多的少女往往钟情于最糟糕的家伙。A maid with many wooers often chooses the worst.

然而,最令我钟情的是那亘古不变的海日。However, the most I love is the sea that day was constant.

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我钟情于水晶吊灯,所以尽可能多的使用它。I love crystal chandeliers and use them as often as I can.

相对大多数美国女性来说,我更钟情于戴体现多元文化的盖头。I tend to dress more multi-cultural than most American women.

其实,数年来我就一直在寻找像你一样的钟情之物。Truth is, I’ve been searching for someone like you for years.

博里索夫,索非亚的前任市长,钟情于微观管理。A former mayor of Sofia, Mr Borisov revels in micro-management.

钟情于蒂特马斯的假设是有害的。Attachment to the Titmuss hypothesis has the power to cause harm.

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毫无疑问,中国领导人也会钟情于母亲的苹果馅饼。No doubt the Chinese leaders also favor motherhood and apple pie.

微软的头儿,史蒂夫•鲍尔默显然钟情于这一词。Steve Ballmer, the boss of Microsoft, is obviously very fond of it.

人类有史就钟情于玫瑰。People have been passionate about roses since the beginning of time.

双鱼座更倾向于和蔼,友好而钟情。Piscean tends to be generally good-natured and very kind and loving.

最后他出家也代表着她对林妹妹的一片钟情。Finally he ordained also representing her sister's a loving to forest.

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我们钟情于或追求那些最符合我们“爱情图谱”的人。We fall for and pursue those people who most clearly fit our love map.

你钟情于火鸡,紫菜包饭,还是火锅?Are you a fan of turkey, Korean laver take boarder, or Chinese hot pot?

才子钟情佳人,佳人爱慕才子英俊又有美好名声。Who love the wind, the wind love wit, handsome, have a good reputation.