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在中文中,它还有“不伦不类”之意。In Chinese it also means “neither fish nor fowl”.

新建的汽车车库与房子不相称,有点不伦不类。The new garage made an awkward addition to the house.

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不顾这些,其余的中央形状是不伦不类。Ignoring those, the remaining central shape is nondescript.

美声唱流行——勇于创新还是不伦不类?。Bel canto in pop singing-Is that innovation, or some useless gimmick?

当然,把斯通的片子赋予和华伦报告相同的地位,有点不伦不类。It may be ridiculous to accord Stone's movie a status coequal with the Warren report.

在这么宝贵的土地上,如果建出不伦不类的房子来,不知会有多少人指脊梁骨。In so valuable land, if built a nondescript house, I wonder how many people that backbone.

一个人,穿着颜色和样式都时髦的衣裳,跑到荒原上去,总显得有些不伦不类。A person on a heath in raiment of morden cut and colours has more or less an anomalous look.

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我看过了形形色色不伦不类的表演。这些表演使我倍感厌恶。我对人性更加失望——…I've seen all sorts of bizarre acts. These acts disgusted me. I'm more disappointed in human nature now.

他告诉记者,中式别墅有些不伦不类,与现代人的生活形态并不相符。He told reporters that some nondescript Chinese style villa with modern living patterns are not consistent.

否则,完美的简约主义会随之走样,造成不伦不类的结局。Otherwise, perfect contracted creed is met subsequently go out of form, create the final result of the nondescript.

如果为了夺人眼球,不分场合乱加使用,反而会有点不伦不类,令人费解。If for eye-catching, regardless of settings, plus use of arbitrary, but a bit nondescript, it is hard to understand.

不知何故,这个不伦不类住所的一楼卧室是在那个军绿色卡车里。For reasons unknown, the first floor bedroom of this otherwise nondescript abode is located in that army green truck.

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眼高手低的结果,只能是不伦不类的演出。Setting ambitious plans without the ability to execute them will only result in performances that are unsatisfactory.

当然假如孤零零地将这些装饰品摆放在家里,往往没有感觉,或有些不伦不类之嫌。If put these adornment all alone, be of course in the home, often do not have a feeling, or of some nondescripts disrelish.

在婆罗洲的一条河上,周围一片穷困潦倒的景象,还装模作样的摆谱,真有点不伦不类,简直可以说是荒诞离奇了。It was rather absurd, and somehow sinister, to see this social pretence in those poverty-stricken surroundings on a borneo river.

目前美国许多口语表达方式十分流行,听起来也十分悦耳,但实际上英语被搞得更加混乱,更加不伦不类。At present, many American oral expressions sound great and are very popular, but in fact English becomes more confusing and nondescript.

豪华轿车是品味、财富和地位的象征,但是在这些豪华轿车当中偏偏有些车叛经离道,不伦不类。Luxurious cars are the symbol for taste, wealth and status, but among these cars, there also some cars are different, neither fish nor fowl.

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宗教团体花费了太多的精力及时间在客观条件的关注上,我们不能说它不好,但是这总免不了会有些不伦不类,以及不务正业之嫌。Religion groups spend too much time in paying attention to objective condition, which is not bad, but it is somewhat nondescript and not professional.

白色的结构,在非现场不伦不类坐在里面绘制宏伟的地方,大胆天花板细节协助创造一个充满幻想和利益的错误。The white structure, sitting on a nondescript site, draws you inside where magnificent, bold ceiling details assist in creating a sense of wonder and interest.

实际上,所有科学家和大多数非原教旨主义宗教领袖们都已将“科学”创世纪论看做是不伦不类的东西。Virtually all scientists and the majority of nonfunda mentalist religious leaders have come to regard "scientific" creationism as bad science and bad religion.