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它触动了我们生活的方方面面。It touches every aspect of our lives.

但我们为什么讨厌它的方方面面?And why we hate so many aspects of it.

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我们无法控制生活的方方面面。We cannot control every aspect of our life.

他们的计划包含了营救的方方面面。Their plan embraced all aspects of the rescue.

这些网志的内容禳括伊朗社会的方方面面。The blogs are a cross-section of Iranian society.

你可以专注于时尚的某一方面或者方方面面。You may focus on one aspect of fashion or every aspect.

几乎网页的所有方方面面都可以进行对比测试。Just about every aspect of a website can be split-tested.

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这种影响涵盖了社会的方方面面。This affects all aspects of society, as also all-inclusive.

中国文化博大博识,贯穿了整此中国生长的方方面面。Chinese culture, the profound aspects of China's development.

他们正在做一个很重要的工作,而且已经渗透到奥运的方方面面!They are doing a great job already infiltrating the Olympics!

香烟在世俗社会的方方面面均有涉及。Cigarettes are present in the most mundane aspects of society.

我们所选的居住地影响了我们生存的方方面面。The place we choose to live affects every aspect of our being.

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从方方面面看,威尔玛·鲁道夫都是田径场上的大师。By all accounts, Wilma Rudolph was a master at track and field.

他的日常事务的方方面面都事关生存大计。Every aspect of his daily routine was essential to his survival.

这第三种国民公德涵盖一切私德与公德的所有的方方面面。The last kind covers all aspects of private and public morality.

他的四部小说浓缩了与美国梦相关的方方面面。West's four novels create a body atrophied by the American Dream.

中国人对龙的崇拜已深入生活的方方面面。Dragon-worship has found a way into every aspect of life in China.

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而这些原则也贯穿在MBA课程的方方面面。These principles are incorporated into all aspects of the IBSS MBA.

职业精神和竞争意识已经渗入生活的方方面面。Professionalism and competitiveness have entered every aspect of life.

动机心态反映并驱动着我们生活中的方方面面。The motivational mindset unfolds and drives every aspect of our lives.