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与会人员还观摩了方国胜工作室。Participants also watched the Fang Guosheng studio.

这里发表的是15位与会学者的笔谈。Collected here are papers of 15 of the participants.

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很少有来自西方国家的与会人士可以这么说。Few people from Western countries could say the same.

他的演说获得了其他一些与会人士的鼓掌。His speech drew applause from others in the audience.

之后参与本届奥运会的204个与会国都将收到一枚圣火花瓣作为纪念。Each nation will receive one of the cauldron's 204 petals.

会议期间,与会领导人集体合影。Participating leaders took group photos during the meeting.

他所提出的问题使与会人士感到困惑。The difficult problem present by him entangle the conferee.

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第一,武大伟副部长是否与会?First, will Vice Foreign Minister Wu Dawei attend the meeting?

特里西亚是一名与会的年轻女孩,来自一个多灾难的国家菲律宾。Tricia, a young activist, comes from a disaster-prone country.

章大使的演讲受到与会人士热烈欢迎。Ambassador Zhang's speech was warmly received by the attendees.

参众两院与会代表已就新的农业法案达成协议。House and Senate conferees have struck a deal on the new farm bill.

苗得雨参赞还回答了与会记者提出的问题。Counselor Miao Deyu also responded to questions raised by reporters.

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与此同时,我向所有与会代表致以崇高的敬意。Meanwhile, I also express the high respect to all the representatives.

从幻灯片中可以看到我的演讲要点和来自与会人员的问题。You can see my slides with talking points and questions from the panel.

中午,与会各成员领导人身穿秘鲁民族服装集体合影。APEC leaders took group photos in traditional Peruvian costumes at noon.

与会的发言人中有财政部长尼古拉斯·布莱迪。Among the speakers at the gathering was Treasury Secretary Nicholas Brady.

这样在最高法院十月与会时,埃琳娜可以顺利就任。Then she could take her seat on the Supreme Court when it meets in October.

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美国防部说,27个与会国家中包括澳大利亚、日本和韩国。It said Australia, Japan and South Korea are among the 27 nations attending.

与会人员被安排在两个酒店里,每个酒店都有无限个房间。The conventioneers filled two hotels, each with an infinite number of rooms.

我唯一遗憾的是,由于已有约定在先,我不能分身与会。I only regret that, due to prior commitments, I cannot be with you in person.