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记住,孩子马上就能识破夸大其辞的赞扬。Children will soon see through empty praise.

中国批评美国的报告称它夸大其辞。China criticised the US report as an exaggeration.

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从一开始,你就应该诚实,而不要夸大其辞。You should start by being honest and not exaggerating.

因此,我要郑重声明,那些宣称所谓的“超级天使”已经灭绝的说法严重地夸大其辞了。I therefore declare that reports of the death of the so-called "super-angel" have been greatly exaggerated.

尽管一概而论式的针对土耳其外交政策的指责有夸大其辞之嫌,但具体到一些问题的细节,埃尔多安也绝非无可挑剔。Even if broad-brush criticisms of Turkey’s foreign policy are overdone, some narrower ones are closer to the mark.

也许,说这些数据令人兴奋未免有些夸大其辞,但随着我们向前进展,事情会逐渐有趣起来。Perhaps it would be a mild overstatement to say this is exciting stuff, but it will get more interesting as we go.

不过,我认为“恐慌”还不至于,“绝望”更是夸大其辞,但是,有些方面洛莉说得很对,女人在这个年纪的确会经历极大的转变。I think panic overstates it , let alone desperation, but Gottlieb is right that something big changes for women around that age.

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德米特里•肖斯塔科维奇夸大其辞的“列宁格勒”交响曲在1942年8月对敌广播,加深了这种印象。Dmitri Shostakovich's bombastic "Leningrad" symphony, broadcast towards enemy lines in August 1942, has cemented this impression.

Press在丰田汽车工作了37年,他之前被认为是一个善用口才的,有时有些夸大其辞的丰田鼓吹者。Press, who spent 37 years at Toyota, had been seen as a persuasive and often-understated advocate for the company in the United States.

最后,巴里·施特劳斯说道,"讽刺的是,荷马越是夸大其辞,他就越真实的代表了青铜时代的史实"And finally, Barry Strauss says, "Ironically, the more Homer exaggerates, the more authentic he is as a representative of the Bronze Age."

在与过去200年来被创造的另一个牛顿神话对抗时,我还是不要夸大其辞的好。Let me not exaggerate through reaction against that other Newton myth which has been so sedulously created for the last two hundred years.

那原谅妈妈夸大其辞。那你书桌上那些脏盘子、空饮料罐又怎么解释呢?难道是收集起来做科学实验的?。Forgive me. I exaggerated. Well, how about the dirty dishes and empty soft-drink cans on your desk? Are you collecting them for a science project?

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如果你是一个公司的领导,而你写的东西既生硬又夸大其辞,顾客就会认为这是公司的特点,他们同样也别无选择。If you're the head of a company and what you write is stiff and pompous, that's how your company will be perceived. The customer has no other choice.

这个关于版权滥用的讨论都是夸大其辞吗?意识到保护自己免遭诉讼的必要只是另一种转眼即忘的法律程序吗?Is all this talk of copyright abuse overblown?Is the perceived need to protect yourself from prosecution just another anal-retentive legal formality?

一些观察者预测,数据仓库将重蹈转盘电话拨号的覆辙,但关于数据仓库即将消失的谣传显然是夸大其辞。Some observers predict that the data warehouse will go the way of the rotary phone dial, but rumors of the death of the data warehouse are greatly exaggerated.

美国财政部长盖特纳指出,会议前公开的美国与其他G20国家之间有很大分歧的说法是夸大其辞。U. S. Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner said before the meeting opened that the talk of differences between the U. S. and much of the rest of G20 was "exaggerated.

我见过很多关于武器采购的大标题,幕后则是满无休止的放卫星和夸大其辞,很多钱被浪费了。I see a lot of vast headlines with regards to weapons procurement. But behind the curtain, I see a lot of wasted money — a lot of ballooning, a lot of exaggeration.

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由于对性器官的重要性夸大其辞,不仅迷惑了一般大众,而且甚至于迷惑了性科学研究的理论家们,连这些理论家们也未能对人类的全部性能力做出完整的理解。The exaggerated importance ascribed to the sex organs has blinded not only the average person, but even certain theoreticians of sex to the full range of human sexual capacities.

敦促对我们即将卸任的领导人提起刑事诉讼,把过去八年的悲剧变成一出法庭戏,这种主张不过是夸大其辞,等于继续施行仇恨政治。It is only an exaggeration to see the urge to criminalize our soon-to-be-former leaders, to make into courtroom drama the tragedy of the last eight years, as an extension of this same practice.