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在山顶的时候就要像在山腰的时候。居安思危。Do on the hill as you would do in the hill.

那些不知道居安思危的人,他们的思想就是这样。This, then, thinking of those who do not know what is at stake.

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居安思危也是一个民族成熟的表现。To be vigilant in peace time is what a mature nation should do.

但是有一点还是需要指出的的,人们都应该居安思危。But one thing still needs to be pointed out, people should be vigilant in times of peace.

忧患意识是一种居安思危意识,它产生于夏商时期。The miserable consciousness is a consciousness which is prepared ford anger in times of peace.

我们必须居安思危、加倍努力,不断巩固和发展农村好形势。We must act to redouble our efforts to continuously consolidate and develop the good situation in rural areas.

这就是要居安思危,存不忘亡,治不忘乱,这样才能长治久安。This is what we should be vigilant, keep forgetting death, governance forget chaos, so as to long-term stability.

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平凡的居安思危里有超脱,居无定所的漂泊中亦有超脱。Ordinary vigilant in peace time in is super take off, the without definite residence drift on water medium also is super take off.

他们知道居安思危,才能认清市场将会出现的竞争瓶颈,才能有备而战。They know think of danger in peace, can clearly recognize the market will appear the competition bottleneck, can be prepared fights.

对于正处于经济繁盛期的我国来说,这一场危机为中国敲响了居安思危的警钟。For our country being in a prosperous period of economy, this crisis has rung the alarm bell that we must prepare for danger in times of peace.

我们不能因为所取得的成就而骄傲自满,这也正是为什么中国领导人常说,要有忧患意识,居安思危。This is why Chinese leaders often say that we need to be aware of the difficulties and risks, even when we are enjoying stability and prosperity.

近日,在泰晤杂志刊登的一篇题为“美国人如何居安思危”一文中,对这样的现实提出不少好观点,我想就其中一些谈谈。A recent Time magazine article called "How Americans Are Living Dangerously" makes a number of good points on this reality. I'll look at a few of them.

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正如他们所说,居安思危是政府的基础,而这些人只是思考自己是否有啤酒供周日消遣和看足球比赛。As they said, vigilance is the basis of any good government, and these people are only vigilant about having beer for Sunday's distraction, aka football.

即使是在最佳时期,企业也应该居安思危,把“鸡蛋放在多个篮子里”,选择多个供应商,确保能及时应对突发事件。Even in the best period, the enterprise should also be in time of peace prepares for war, "eggs in DuoGe basket", select DuoGe suppliers to ensure timely to an emergency.

他们甚至“居安思危”,建议美国政府出台新的有针对性的留学生政策,以因应澳大利亚、加拿大等国的竞争。They even "be prepared", suggested that the U. S. government issued a new policy of targeted students to cope with Australia, Canada and other countries in the competition.

悲剧意识,作为一种人生观,一种居安思危的意识,表达了作家对于宇宙万物敏锐的洞察力。The tragic sense, as an outlook of life, a kind of consciousness of crisis and suffering in times of peace and welfare, expresses the writer's penetrative acumen into the whole universe.

新时期应注重对大学生国防精神的培育,树立居安思危、有备无患的忧患意识,这对国家安全、经济建设和社会稳定等都具有直接的现实意义。Undergraduates cultivation of national defence spirit should be emphasized to establish their awareness that people should be vigilant in peace time and that forethought prevents calamity.

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身处瞬息万变的社会中,应该求创新,加强能力,居安思危,无论你发展的多好,时刻都要做好准备迎接变化。In this constantly changing society, we should strive for innovation, strengthen our abilities, and have a sense of crises . Be ready at all times no matter how well? you have developed yourself.

我们不能因为所取得的成就而骄傲自满,这也正是为什么中国领导人常说,要有忧患意识,居安思危。We can’t be conceited with what we have achieved. This is why Chinese leaders often say that we need to be aware of the difficulties and risks, even when we are enjoying stability and prosperity.

作为中国烟草行业,应当居安思危,吸取国外的经验教训,提前做好预防和应对烟草诉讼发生的准备工作。As the Chinese manufacturing of cigarette should think danger condition under the good condition and absorb experience of foreign countries and ready to deal with the happen of the lawsuit cigarette.