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然后,他们可以把沼气当成燃料,给积肥场供电供暖。Then they could burn it, to power and heat the compost facility.

目前,杉木林积肥场正在考虑一个新的处理食物垃圾的方案。Alternative energy Now Cedar Grove has a new recipe in mind for its food waste.

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我国的农村则至今尚到处可见为了积肥和养猪而共用的厕所。China has so far not seen everywhere in rural and pig manure and shared toilets.

目前,杉木林积肥场正在考虑一个新的处理食物垃圾的方案。The people who work at Cedar Grove talk about compost the way chefs talk about food.

在杉木林积肥场工作的人谈论起积肥来就像厨师谈论菜肴一样。Thee people who work at Cedar Grove talk about compost the way chefs talk about food.

苗圃要广开肥源,常年积肥和种植绿肥。The nursery should open fertilizer sources, manure and planting perennial green manure.

认为通过圈猪积肥是控制和消灭钩端螺旋体病的有效途径。Enclosing pigs to collect manure has proved to be an effective way to control and eliminate leptospirosis.

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在把香蕉皮和面包屑放进积肥堆之前,公司要用它们来创造替代能源。Before turning banana peels and bread crusts into compost, the company wants to use them to create alternative energy.

在西雅图北面的杉木林积肥场,天天都有卡车一辆接着一辆开进这个重大的仓库,倾卸满载的食物垃圾和庭院销毁物。Every day, at Cedar Grove Composting north of Seattle, truck after truck pulls into this huge warehouse to dump loads of food and yard waste.

在杉木林积肥场工作的人谈论起积肥来就像厨师谈论菜肴一样。托曼把手伸进一堆沤好的肥润乌黑的产品当中。The people who work at Cedar Grove talk about compost the way chefs talk about food. Thoman digs her hands into a rich, dark pile of the finished product.

在杉木林积肥场工作的人谈论起积肥来就像厨师谈论菜肴一样。托曼把手伸进一堆沤好的肥润黝黑的产品当中。The people who work at Cedar Grove talk about compost the way chefs talk about food. Thoman digs her hands into a rich, dark pile of the finished product.