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我想吃肉丸子和煎饼。I want meatballs and pancakes.

用竹签把小丸子串起。Hold up with the bamboo skewers.

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这些炸丸子太热而无法吃。These croquettes are too hot to eat.

我午饭想吃肉丸子,牛肉,一个土豆和米饭。I want some meatballs, beef, a potato and rice for.

猪血丸子是邵阳的一种特色食品。Blood brean curd ball is a feature food in shaoyang.

把搓好的小丸子放入滚水中煮滚及浮起。Put the small balls into the boiling water until they become flowing.

七星鱼丸是一种包心丸子,起源于清初。Qixing fish is a packet heart ball , originated in the early Qing Dynasty.

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而用猪肉做炸、汆等的小丸子的时候,就最好用颈背肉。And made of pork fried, boil, my time, you'd by the scruff of the neck meat.

这些是牛肉丸子、虾饺和蟹黄烧卖。These are the Steamed Beef Balls, Shrimp Dumplings and Steamed Crab Dumplings.

牛、羊、鸡肉丸子最适合汆丸子汤。Cattle, sheep, chicken meatball is most suitable for boiling the meatball soup.

好。那就丧点春卷、鱿鱼丸子、肉皮,还有啤酒!OK. How about some spring rolls and squid balls, some pork skins, and some beer!

用漏勺将丸子慢慢放入滚水锅里煮沸。Using a slotted spoon ease dumplings into the boiling salted water and let boil.

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你仍然可以不时的吃肉丸子,但是记住不要过多的摄入。You can still have that meatball sub now and again, just try not to live on them.

柳清又送珍珠丸子,玉家追问,伟宏胡乱撒谎,种下了后果。LiuQing again send pearl balls, jade home, wei hong lie at random, planted the consequences.

剁得细细的丸子中掺了香菜,在红锅中煮味道更好,又香又嫩。A small cut in the Wanzi-doped the coriander, red pot cooking taste better, incense and soft.

清淡鲜美的丸子汤,香脆可口的炸丸子,都体现着主妇对家人的关爱。Delicate delicious meatballs soup, crisp fried meatballs, embodies housewife of the family of love.

她长得可爱极了,有一双水汪汪的大眼睛,高高的鼻子,一张樱桃小嘴,头发像樱桃小丸子的发型。She looks cute, and a pair of watery eyes, high nose, a cherry mouth, hair, hair like Chibi Maruko.

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我们要的羊肉,冻豆腐,丸子和蔬菜,还有一些在桌上。The Mutton, Frozen Bean Curd, Meatballs n vegetables we ordered, the rest of them are on the table.

小丸子配合着色拉、芥末和柴鱼片,味道极佳!The flavor will be great when octopus balls are seasoned with salad, mustard and skipjack tuna fillets.

把小丸子放入滚水内煲滚。将已浮起的小丸子取出。Put the small balls into the boiling water. Take the floating glutinous rice balls out when they finish.