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说来听听?Say to hear to?

哦?说来听听。Oh? Listen to me.

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哦?说来听听。Oh? Let's hear it.

好好听听,这是北方佬Take that Yankees.

我真不想起床淘宝登陆,听听试读。I don't wanna get up.

说来让我听听。Let me hear about it.

让我们听听他们说的。Let’s listen to them.

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听听它的叫声多么悲哀!Listen how he whines!

听听那孩子吧!Listen to that child!

主啊,请听听我的祈祷吧。Lord, hear my prayer.

让我们来听听这个例子吧。But here's the example.

咱们听听约翰的发言。Let's hear it for John.

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让我们进去听听吧。Let us enter and listen.

大点声唱,让我们听听。Sing up, let's hear you.

我们听听看这个So let's listen to this.

那你说来听听。Please tell us the story.

听听这个例子。Think about this example.

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听听家学他相连工作了三天。He works three day on end.

真的?我可以听听看吗?Really? Can I listen to it?

让我们听听看,说吧!Well, let’s hear it. Shoot!