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“一顿雪餐”则不可取。"A meal of snow" is not.

非吸烟者是可取的。Non-smoker is preferable.

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正确答案是都不可取The answer is they all stink.

虽然我提供当天可取照片的服务。Though I offer same-day service.

在冰上跑是不可取的。Running on the ice is inadvisable.

多少人认为以上都不可取Okay, how many would say they all stink?

可是知识总比无知更为可取。But knowledge is preferable to ignorance.

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他们的计划在许多方面全部是可取的。Their plan is recommendable in many ways.

总的说来,提摩西的建议更可取。Timothy 's suggestion is more acceptable.

温和蹬性情是做妻子的可取桩郸吗?Is a disposition a recommendation in a wife?

不谋而动是不可取的。It is not advisable to act without planning.

这是这篇文章可取的一点。It's the one good take-away from the article.

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一些人质疑客观性是否可取。Some question whether objectivity is desirable.

选择榜样“从一而终”不可取。Choose a model, "single-mindedness" undesirable.

现成的或预先开发的脚本是可取的。Readymade or pre developed scripts are Preferable.

没人认为通货紧缩本身是可取的。No one thinks that deflation in itself is desirable.

如果线程终止自己,则这样是可取的。This is recommended if the thread terminates itself.

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至少有两种鲜榨果汁可取用吗?Were at least two freshly squeezed juices available?

总的说来,提摩西的建议更可取。On balance, Timothy 's suggestion is more acceptable.

线性关系是在你足够熟练时十分可取的方法。Linearity is the desirable way to go if you can manage.