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我们有剪纸,刺绣,捏泥人和篆刻。We've got paper-cutting, embroidery, clay dolls and seal carving.

这里要提及刘阳先生的篆刻艺术。What should be mentioned here is Mr. Liu Yang's seal cutting art.

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是我国20世纪著名画家和书法篆刻家。Is a famous painter of the 20th century, and calligraphy and seal.

篆刻千百年来,对中国人来说,图章是权利的象征。Seal Engraving To the Chinese, a seal was for many centuries a symbol of power.

中国印融入了篆刻,书法,美术和诗歌元素。Chinese seal blends the elements of engraving, calligraphy, painting and poetry.

他是金石派大写意花鸟画名家,擅长书画、篆刻。He is a famous gold stone faction and the greatly enjoyable flower-and-bird artist.

清政府发给达赖喇嘛的金印,篆刻有汉、、三种文字。A golden seal with Chinese, Manchu and Tibetan, issued by the Qing government to Dalai Lama.

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梁氏擅长书法、国画、诗词,篆刻作品常结合诗书画之精粹。As a poet, he is able to combine the essence of poetry, calligraphy and painting in his art.

年毕业于南京艺术学院书法篆刻专业,师从黄、苏金海。He graduated from Nanjing Arts Institute with the major of calligraphy and seal cutting in 1999.

笔名长白山石主、秋石,自幼学书并篆刻、微刻。Changbai Stone Pillar, Autumn Stone, Zhaiming Autumn Stone House have been used as his pseudonyms.

赵氏不仅通文字学,还喜篆刻并精印学理论。Master Zhao not only understands philology, but also likes seal cutting and masters seal theories.

赵之谦的篆刻思想与书法、绘画乃至诗文思想都是密不可分的整体。Zhao's seal engraving thoughts is closely related to his idea on calligraphy, painting and poetry.

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在同学们挥动着手里的篆刻刀中,一种对民族文化的认同感油然而生。In the hands of the students waved the carving knife, a sense of identity with national culture began.

他幼年时生活清苦,酷爱读书,喜欢书法篆刻。He lived a poor life in his childhood and developed interests in reading, calligraphy and seal cutting.

同时他还是一个著名的金石学家,而且他在金石学上的地位并不亚于篆刻。As well as a famous scholar in sphragistics, his status in this field no lower than that of seal carving.

婺源以其建筑、篆刻和油菜花海而闻名。Wuyuan is especially famous for its architecture, seal cutting techniques and the amazing rape flower field.

广东开平人,涉猎东西方艺术媒介,早年从师习书画篆刻,历年参加书画展览及获奖。A practitioner of both eastern and western media in fine art, has his works selected for various exhibitions.

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擅长书画篆刻与贝雕工艺品创作设计、制作研究和理论探讨。He is a great master of arts & crafts who is skilled in calligraphy, painting, seal cutting, and shell carving.

中国画是融诗文书法、篆刻、绘画于一体的综合艺术。Cinese painting is a kind of polytechnic art of combining poetic prose , calligraphy , seal cutting and painting.

传统的篆刻技法除篆法、章法、刀法之外还有做印法。In addition to the traditional carving techniques seal method, the rules, knife there to do outside of India Act.