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真该把他吊死。He should be strung up!

汤姆‧杜利必须被吊死。Tom Dooley must be hanged.

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吊死那些恶棍,通通吊死"Just hang them high, hang them all high."

该死,这些家伙真该吊死。Damn, these guys really need to hang it up.

一个有了坏名声的人是一半早就吊死了。If you have a bad name, you are half-hanged.

当明天的太阳升起时,汤姆‧杜利就得被吊死了。When the sun rises tomorrow, Tom Dooley must hang.

用老鼠的尾巴把它吊死就可以避免瘟疫。Hanging up dead rats by their tails wards off the plague.

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国王的士兵把那个可怜人拖出去吊死了。The king's soldiers took the poor man away and hanged him.

一个当她父亲触怒他的时候可以被吊死的朋友?One he can hang if the friend's father should displease him?

军团共屠杀两万名奴隶,他们被钉死十字架,以锁链吊死、抛落城墙。They were crucified hung in chains or hurled from the city walls.

猫的方法很多,不必非用奶油呛死它“,有点类似于中国的”不要非在一棵树上吊死“。There are more ways of killing a cat than by choking it with cream.

那些认为使用橙剂是个好主意的人应该被吊死。The idiots who decided agent orange was a good idea, should be hung.

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最快乐的购物者不会让自己吊死在金钱或物质的树上。The happiest shoppers are people who aren't hung up on money or things.

保守派建议这种方式,以免让自己在一棵树上吊死。Conservative people recommend this option to avoid pigeonholing yourself.

民众吼叫起来。“那就先吊死他的几个捕头。”Shouted the crowd, "and let's begin the hanging by stringing up his sergeants."

也许,那是地方官的遗愿西宾斯老夫人那样生性恶毒的巫婆,将要给吊死在绞架上。Hibbins, the bitter-tempered widow of the magistrate, was to DIE upon the gallows.

现年72岁的卡拉丁6月4日被发现吊死在曼谷一家豪华酒店客房的橱柜里。Carradine, 72, was found hanging in the closet of his hotel suite in Bangkok on June 4.

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犹大就把那银钱丢在殿里,出去吊死了。So Judas threw the money into the temple and left. Then he went away and hanged himself.

被逼得无路可走,我祖父在祖坟旁的一棵树上吊死了。Driven to desperation, my grandfather hanged himself on a tree beside our ancestral graves.

今早她被发现吊死在她母亲佛罗里达家中附近的一个车棚中。Deborah Jeane Palfrey was found hanging in a shed near her mother's Florida home this morning.