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他决定赎回质押物.He decided to redeem the pledge.

保单质押贷款的借款人应为投保人。The borrower should be the policy-holder.

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第三种担保方式叫权利质押。The 3rd kind assures means calls the right impawn.

依法可以质押的其他权利。Other rights that can be hypothecated according to law.

本文写的是银行信贷中的收费权质押担保若干问题研究。This thesis is on the study of charge pledge in bank credit.

质押合同自登记之日起生效。The pledge contract shall be effective as the date of registration.

第六十四条出质人和质权人应当以书面形式订立质押合同。A pledgor and a pledgee shall conclude a pledge contract in writing.

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质押合同自登记之日起生效。The pledge contract shall be effective as of the date of registration.

在适用纽约州法律的信用支持附件或其它质押文件中被称为“出质人”。Referred to as Pledgor in the NY law CSA and other Pledge documentation.

专利申请权作为质押标的是合乎法理并且是可行的。The droit of patent application as an inpawningobject is legal and doable.

美国经济将再一次被用作质押,除非他们如愿以偿。And once again, the economy will be held captive unless they get their way.

雷曼就能把抵押物质押给交易对方,然后获取现金作为回报。Lehman would give collateral to its counterparty and receive cash in return.

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允许质押协议项下的质权人再次使用收到的担保品。This allows a Pledgee under a Pledge agreement to reuse Collateral received.

未办理质权登记的,不影响股权质押合同的效力。Failure to register the pledge shall not affect the validity of the contract.

办理版权质押往往耗时两三个月。It will always take two or three months to handle the copyright hypothecation.

质押的性质超过纯粹留置,但却比不上按揭.A pledge is something more than a mere lien and something less than a mortgage.

已办理司法冻结的股份不得再申请办理质押登记。No pledge registration application may be filed for any shares judicially frozen.

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第一章阐明了非典型权利质押的基础理论。The first chapter throws light on fundamental theory of pledge of atypical rights.

在前三种类型中,抵押是非占有型的,而质押和留置都属于占有型。Among the first three, charge is non possessory whereas pledge and lien are possessory.

同时,收费权质押贷款在实际中遇到了许多问题。At the same time, the loan of pledge on charging right has encountered many new problems.