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然而可塑性确实存在极限。Plasticity does have limits, however.

相反,人类是具有无限可塑性的。Rather, people are infinitely malleable.

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没有个QTL检测的量程下限可塑性。No QTLs were detected for plasticity of LRL.

科学实在论与心灵的可塑性。Scientific Realism and the Plasticity of Mind.

人类大脑具有无限的可塑性。The human brain is almost infinitely malleable.

是可塑性还是明暗处理?。Was it the plasticity or was it the chiaroscuro?

但是婴儿的可塑性和适应性之强是惊人的。But babies are incredibly flexible and adaptable.

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脑科学家给这个过程叫神经可塑性。Brain scientists call this process neuro-plasticity.

半透明和可塑性性能也很好。Translucency and malleability properties are also good.

这是可塑性,有一个白色,有光泽的外观。It is malleable and has a white and lustrous appearance.

我们对于身体具可塑性感到安心。We’re much more comfortable with our bodies as malleable.

生命在很大程度上是聚集成群的,只略具可塑性。Life is largely clumped into parcels and only mildly plastic.

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胡罗卜可塑性的其他证明也垂手可得。Other proof of the plasticity of carrot was also forthcoming.

每当我们回忆起一段长期记忆,它都是具有可塑性的。Every time we recall a long-term memory, it becomes malleable.

乙烯基塑料,也称搪胶塑料实际上是一种可塑性强的材料。Vinyl, or roto-cast vinyl is actually a very malleable material.

独立的裙房设计使得立面处理更具可塑性。Podium design independent makes the facade treatment more plasticity.

丙烯酸是一种聚合物为基础的中,基本上是具有可塑性。Acrylic is a polymer-based medium and is essentially plastic in nature.

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据说,由液体玻璃形成的涂层具有可塑性和透气性。The layer formed by the liquid glass is said to be flexible and breathable.

其它可以表明智商可塑性的是随着时间的推移智商会急速上升。Another indication of malleability is that I.Q. has risen sharply over time.

油漆清洁泥是一种柔软,有可塑性的条形泥巴,它里面包含研磨材料。Paint cleaning clay is a soft, pliable bar of abrasives suspended in a clay.