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让你的大脑忙碌起来,挑战你自己,和别人聊天,打破陈规。Challenge yourself. Talk to somebody.

平庸无才和内心挫折才是默守陈规真正的代价。Mediocrity and inner frustration are the true price of conforming.

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但我坚信突破,也就是打破陈规的思维方式。But I'm a firm believer in paradigm-breaking. Outside-the-box thinking.

那么音乐家们,打破陈规,摇滚我们的世界,你们将会获得回报。So musicians, putout the tip jar, rock our world, and you will reap the rewards.

在中国,技术专家们担心中国无法产生在创新方面打破陈规的人物。In China, technologists worry that the country isn't spawning innovative disrupters.

但金士顿窄板内存的出现则打破了这一陈规。But Jin Shidu the narrow boards memory's appearance has broken this outmoded rules and regulations.

走出成法,告别陈规,这是学习艺术的必经之路。Shuffle off normal practices and say goodbye to stereotypes, which is the only way to art learning.

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她们表示,希望鼓励本国的其他妇女摆脱伊斯兰教的陈规。They say they want to inspire other women in their countries to break away from Muslim stereotypes.

甚至非词语民俗也沿用陈规旧习,如习惯、手势、服装式样、图案设计等。Even non-verbal folklore makes use of stereotyped habits, gestures, patterns, designs, and the like.

用休闲装与正装搭配着穿,我认为体现了现代人破除陈规的信心。I think modern men now have the confidence to break traditions in the way they pair casual and formal.

什麽都没有改变,对许多人来说,这种陈规陋俗根深蒂固。Nothing has changed and for many the negative stereotypes are still very much there," Hutchinson said.

在政坛上则与陈规以弹劾不避权贵号称“陈雷”,被老百姓奉为保护神,有“中朝第一人”之誉。He was also a famous statesman for his upholding justice and was worshiped as a guardian god by common people.

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他依照一成不变的陈规出来用餐,总是在同一时辰,分秒不误。His meals were served in a fixed and invariable manner, and not only at a certain hour, but at a certain minute.

其他的汽车制造商选择打破所有的陈规,他们的车展示出来的好像是要去乘飞机或者是穿越时空的感觉。Other automakers chose to break all the rules and display cars that look ready to take flight or travel through time.

由于陈规受到质疑,消费者口味转变,经济衰退往往是推出新产品的好时机。Recessions are often a good time to launch new products, as old certainties are questioned and consumer tastes shift.

不过韦厂长最后拍板,决定打破陈规,给这四个人开绿灯,他们当时的平均年龄就27岁。It was up to Wei to make the final call and he broke convention by giving the green light to the four men, average age 27.

值得庆幸的是,那些陈规现如今已经不用再严格地遵守了,所以在吃饭的时候可以放心,你不会再挨饿了。Fortunately many of those old rules are no longer strictly observed so you can be sure that in practice, this doesn’t happen.

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直到现在,中年妇女们都试图用传了几个世纪的陈规旧俗钳制下一代的思想。Yet still older women try and lay a clamp on the next generation with a host of rules and regulations passed down over centuries.

因此,这个课程是在教孩子们打破陈规,勇于做一个不唯命是从,做正确事情的人。So this class is about training kids to break away from the pack, to be the person who defies conformity and does the right thing.

强迫人们做一些事是不明智的,但有时打破人们关于其集体或个人意识陈规是必要的。Forcing people to do something is heavy-handed, but sometimes it's necessary to jolt people out of their collective or individual rut.