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取得此站台连结的传输类型。Gets the name of the site link.

等待所有缓冲区传输完毕。Wait for all buffers to finish.

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替代文件传输选项。Alternate file transfer options.

设置像素的位块传输帧Setting the pixels blitting frame

什么是传输级别的安全性?What is transport-level security?

音频传输?。VFT? Voice Frequency Transmission?

它可以在低频传输使用。It can be used in LF transmissions.

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传输器价格也正在下跌。Prices for dongles are falling, too.

预设使用二进位传输!Using binary mode to transfer files.

传输单面原稿时选择。Select to transmit 1-sided documents.

最终的传输速率是110波特。The resulting transfer rate is 110 baud.

传输数据到共同浏览表单Transferring data to the co-browsing forms

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不要将其授权给任何传输队列。Do not authorize it to any transmit queues.

传输管系统阀门配置详图。Detail of transfer line valve configuration.

所有的传输电缆采用铜芯电缆。All transmission cables shall be copper core.

电影是单向的向观众传输信息。Movies flow to the audience in one direction.

数字多媒体传输网络采用双令牌总线结构。Network structure was double token chain bus.

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传输还包括基于内容的路由功能。Transport also includes content-based routing.

每个子频道都可以单独传输一路节目。Each sub-channel can carry a different program.

同线互连会打破传输速度极限吗?。Has the Copper Interconnect Hit Its Speed Limit?