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让我们嗅到了夜来香吐露的芬芳?Let us smell the fragrance of Tuberose reveal?

说起夜来香,我还有一个小小的美好的回忆,闹出了笑话。Speaking of Tuberose, I have fond memories of a small, sudden, a joke.

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他告诉我,夜来香白天也有香气,只是没人闻得见。He told me, tuberose perfumes by day either, while nobody merely catches it.

有些生命就像夜来香,生命的末期才会最美丽的绽放---谚语。Some lives, like evening primroses, blossom most beautifully in the evening of life---Proverb.

包含夜来香花油,鱼油,镁或者混合维他命E和B的食物补给。Dietary supplements containing evening primrose oil, fish oils, magnesium or vitamins E and B complex.

其中“平民化”的夜来香、薰衣草、天竺葵和驱蚊草最好卖。Among them " civilian is changed " cordate telosma, lavender, geranium and drive midge grass had better sell.

夜来香的香气熏透了整个的夏夜的庭院,是我什么时候也不会忘记的。The fragrance in the night permeate through this clolourful yard in summer, which the scenery in my memory eternally remains.

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如果一个人白天的心也很沉静,就会发现夜来香、桂花、七里香,在酷热的中午也是香的。If a performer during heart also very personal silent, will find cordate telosma, osmanthus, church, in the heat of the noon is sweet.

比如牵牛花、茑萝松、夜来香、盆栽葡萄等,形态独异,各具千秋。Trailing plants of morning glory, Niao is loose, cordate telosma, for instance potted the grape, configuration alone different, each have birthday.

为了来年再种夜来香,爷爷让我去摘夜来香的花籽,夜来香的花籽黑色,约有黄豆粒大小。For the coming year kinds of evening primrose, Grandpa let me Quzhai Tuberose's Seed, the Seed Evening Primrose black, about the size of soybean grain.

夜来香在夜间开放。这种花开放时速度非常快而且声音很大。当花蕾突然绽放的时候,你甚至可以听到花开的声音。The flowers of the evening primrose bloom in the evening . The flowers bloom very quickly and loudly. And you can even hear them when the flower buds burst open.

例如耗氧的丁香、夜来香等植物,假如摆放在床头,或在室内种植的过多,就会引起缺氧的症状。For example the plant such as the clove of bad news oxygen, cordate telosma, if put in the head of a bed, or what cultivate indoors is overmuch, can cause anoxic symptom.

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夜来香的香气熏透了整个的夏夜的庭院,是我什么时候也不会忘记的。These colorful flowers were extremely beautiful and appealing. I will never forget the aroma of evening primrose that penetrated the courtyard throughout the summer night.