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校风,教学质量,谁能告诉我。School, teaching quality, who can tell me.

我爱新校园里良好的学风,校风。I love the new campus good style of study, school spirit.

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学风是校风的一个重要组成部分。The style of study is an important part of school spirit.

也是树立良好校风的重要手段。Also it is the important means to set up good school spirit.

一个之间的校风和系统的基本冲突削弱了印度的政体。A basic conflict between the ethos and system has weakened the Indian polity.

在校风严谨的柯林高中里,夏雨溪绝对算是一个“异类”。In the spirit of strict colin high school, summer rain is a "brook absolutely".

校风积极向上,和我们一起打造了和谐的教育氛围。School spirit positive, and together we create a harmonious education atmosphere.

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学校以良好的校风和较高的教学质量赢得了社会的广泛赞誉。Good schools to higher learning and the quality of teaching social won wide praise.

学校以良好的校风和较高的教学质量赢得了社会的广泛赞誉。School with a good ethos and high quality of teaching has won extensive recognition.

石家庄35中和45中,两所学校究竟校风、教学质量、管理等方面怎么样?Shijiazhuang 35 and 45, the two schools which school, teaching quality, management, how to?

老师对德育工作的重视与否直接关系到班风,校风的好坏。Teacher on moral education emphasis is a direct relationship to the class, school spirit, good or bad.

它污染了校园,败坏了校风、学风,挫伤了大多数学生学习的积极性,影响了学生的心理健康。It pollutes not only the campus, but also students' enthusiasm in studies and their psychological conditions.

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良好的教风对良好学风、校风的形成具有不可替代的影响。Good teaching style has an irreplaceable impact in the formation of good studying atmosphere and school climate.

高校校风建设是新时期高校文化建设的一个重要方面。The University Spirit Construction is an important respect of university cultural construction in the new period.

校风在学校管理中主要发挥约束、激励和制造良好氛围的作用。The school spirit in school management chiefly gives full play to restraining, encouraging and making good atmosphere.

我们可以从校风校纪监督方面、宿舍管理方面、学生的生活等方面来建立大学生自律组织。We may establish self-discipline organization from the management of the dormitory and the life of the student and so on.

鼓励师生参与,以优良校风来促进校园文化建设。Encourage teachers and students" participation and stimulate the establishment of campus culture by excellent school spirit."

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经过几代人的努力,北京大学现已发展成为一所质量高、校风好的优质名校。Through the efforts of several generations, Peking University has now developed into a high quality, good ethos elite school.

好的校风如春风化雨,不声不响地吸引每个学子奋勇向前,为了抱负而努力拼搏。Good school spirit spring-like weathering rain, quietly attract each students forward with strong and active, to ideal and hard work.

教师与学生对校风的改善有不同的评价吗?用卡方测试计算器加以检查。Did the teachers and students differ in their views on the improvement of the school climate? Check by using the chi-square calculator.