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开进去按这个按钮。Drive in and push this button.

他把车子开进了停车区。He steered into the parking area.

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我们慢慢开进小镇的一个房车停靠点。We pull into the town’s one RV park.

她把汽车倒开进车库。She reversed her car into the garage.

警用陆虎开进了F区。The police Land Rover pulled into Area F.

7月,该献血车将开进世博园。It will be used in the World Expo in July.

我小心地把车开进车库。I guided the car carefully into the garage.

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爸爸把车开进车道,我们下了车。Dad pulled into the driveway and we got out.

我必要把车开进一个汽油站把油箱灌满。I need to pull into a gas stine and fill up.

开进防波堤的入口即为指示。Proceed to entrance of breakwater for orders.

我们的火车准点开进北京车站。Our train pulled into Beijing Station on time.

船长把游艇开进港。The captain steered the yawl into the harbour.

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我们将车开进路旁停车处休息一下吧。Let's pull into the lay-by and the have a rest.

司机把公共汽车开进了灌木丛中。The driver crashed the bus through a brushwood.

随后我们把车开进了任务处后面的那片森林里。Then we drive out to the forest behind Missions.

他把车开进了一片沼泽地,轮子牢牢地陷在了里面。He drove into a bog, where his wheels stuck fast.

她给信号后把车开进了慢车道…She signalled and pulled over into the slow lane.

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美国的反导舰艇目前正开进波斯湾。U.S. anti-missile ships are moving into the Gulf.

本小心翼翼地把车开进车库时从他们身边经过。Ben drove past them, nosing his car into the garage.

每天都有长串长串的汽车开进城里去。Streams of cars were driving into the city every day.