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经济就是晴雨表。The barometer is economic.

金钱是衡量一个社会的美德的晴雨表。Money is the barometer of a society's virtue.

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不过,你出发前还有时间来看一眼晴雨表。Yet you had time to stay and look at your barometer.

报纸通常被称为舆论的晴雨表。Newspapers are often called barometers of public opinion.

当然,个人储蓄率仍然是一个有用的晴雨表。Still, the personal saving rate can be a useful barometer.

这同样也是体现谁家得势谁家失意很好的晴雨表。They, too, are a good barometer of who is up and who is down.

然而博伦想要完成一个更加细致的情绪晴雨表。But Bollen wanted to build a more nuanced emotional barometer.

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为什么晴雨表说下雨,你就坚信不疑呢?And why should you think it would rain unless the barometer told you so?

但是如果表态是立法唯一的晴雨表,事情就复杂了。But if consent is our only barometer of legalisation, things get complicated.

裁谈会工作是国际安全形势发展演变的’晴雨表’”。The CD’s work is like a barometer of the evolving international security situation.

冠蓝鸟的头顶上冠的饰毛是它们心情的晴雨表。The decorative crest on top of the Blue Jays head can be a barometer for their mood.

这听起来很奇怪,但皮肤的确是关于压力水平的非常好的晴雨表。It sounds strange, but your skin can be a pretty good barometer of your stress level.

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在一个年代久远的采访中,斯通说他的电影对他而言是“情感的晴雨表”。In an old interview,Stone once said that his films are an "emotional barometer" for him.

社会心理是时代的晴雨表,又为审美观念的变迁定下了基调。The social psychology is a barometer of times and it also reflects the changes of aesthetic idea.

但在另一方面,小道消息作为组织中“民意”的晴雨表是有价值的。On the other hand, the grapevine is valuable as a barometer of ‘public opinion’ in the organization.

洪仁玕与西方传教士的关系是太平天国外交关系的晴雨表。His relations with them were a barometer of the diplomatic relations of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom.

如何在即将到来的侯赛因法院案件公开播放,将会是一个RAB的支持告诉晴雨表。How the upcoming Hossain court cases play out in public will be a telling barometer of RAB's support.

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商业街是城市经济发展的晴雨表,是城市形象的集中代表。Commercial street is the weatherglass of city economy development and the focus representation of city visual.

这名以销售木质手杖和擀面杖为主要业务的男子似乎不可能被看作全球经济的晴雨表。And a man who sells wooden walking sticks and rolling pins may not seem to be a good global economic barometer.

“从广义上来说,像这样的顶级捕食者是整个生态系统的晴雨表,”他解释说。“In a broad way, top predators like these are a barometer of what’s happening in the whole ecosystem, ” he explains.