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今天早上有人看见李勇扫地板。Li Yong sweep the floor this morning.

凤娇今天早上扫地。Fengjiao swept the floor this morning.

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扫地,如果有时间,最好拖一下.Sweep floors, and mop if you have time.

这种广告使该品牌形象扫地。This type of advertising cheapens the image of the brand.

美国人有点颜面扫地,日本人正得意洋洋。Americans face a bit sweeping, the Japanese are triumphant.

他天天来干活——扫地,擦地板,整理房间。Day after day he came to his work –sweeping, scrubbing, cleaning.

这对郝建国牛一蓓来说,让北京的郝家脸面扫地!This HaoJianGuo ox for a bud, it let Beijing hao face sweeping home!

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我向窗外望去,只见梅布尔正挥动扫帚沿街扫地。I looked out the window. Mable was swishing her broom down the street.

过年期间也不扫地,以免把福气扫出了门。The floor is not swept in case good fortune is swept out the door too.

我们之中三人扫地拖地板,其余的人擦玻璃。Three of us sweep and mop the floor and the remainder clean the window.

上自总统下至扫地的工友,人人都要做事。Everyone works, from the President down to the boy who sweeps the floor.

他们会打扫自己的房间,会洗碟子、扫地拖地、吸尘,会洗车。They can clean their rooms, wash dishes, sweep, mop, dust, wash the car.

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她从早到晚做饭、扫地、洗衣、熨衣,缝缝补补。She cooked, swept, washed, ironed, made and mended from daylight till dark.

这并不存在会使人尴尬、苦恼或者颜面扫地的问题,只是我们的认识在进步而已。That's not embarrassing, worrying or pedestal-knocking, it's just progress.

内容说的是在他的互联网公司里,有一个扫地老太太。It said there is an old lady who sweeps nearly inch of his Internet company.

他说他的责难者试图使政府的对外援助政策名声扫地。He says his accusers are trying to discredit government foreign-aid policies.

住在潘伯顿街的第一天,一大早我们就被扫地的声音吵醒了。On our first morning on Pemberton Street, the sound of sweeping woke us early.

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裤长一般盖住鞋跟,走起路来,兼有扫地的功能。The pants were long enough to cover the heel and swept the floor while walking.

同样是扫地,小李把它当成个苦活儿,小张却觉得没有什么。Xiaoli thinks sweeping floors is a hard job, but Xiaozhang feels it is nothing.

旋“为了不让当事人颜面扫地,我们就不指名道姓了,”一位警方发言人说道。"we don't want to name the man to spare his blushes, " said a police spokesman.