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这中间曾有惨败。There have been fiascos.

中间是代码。In the center is my code.

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就在茫茫大海的正中间。In the middle of the sea.

在172页中间。This is the middle of 172.

但你们中间有一个是魔鬼。Yet one of you is a devil!

把它就放在正中间吧。Put it right in the middle.

四海站中间。Sihai, stand in the middle.

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中间那块岩芯曾加载。The middle core was loaded.

您看,中间是一条中轴线。Look, there's a central axis.

汤姆在露茜和莉莉中间。Tom is between lucy and lily.

你们中间哪一位是王先生?Which one of you is Mr. Wang?

中间组织的作用。Function of inter-organization.

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中间轴及轴承。Intermediate shaft and bearing.

现在猫科野兽又冲进这些马中间去了。Now the Cats are in among them.

那么,这里是否存在中间地带?So is there some middle ground?

你可以从两个中间挑任何一个。You may take either of the two.

我坐在刘英和莉莉中间。I sit between Liu Ying and Lily.

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其次,在中间放一个樱桃。Next,put a cherry in the middle.

她是我们三人中间最年轻的。She is the youngest of us three.

迈克坐在露茜和海伦中间。Mike sits between Lucy and Helen.