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他期待着捡点剩余的渣子。Stalin expected to pick up the pieces.

她把咖啡渣子倒进水池子里。She threw the coffee dregs into the sink.

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面包渣子还沾在他的嘴唇上呢。Crumbs adhered to the tissues of his lips.

我从咖啡渣子的样子就看出来了,我还用纸牌算过。I've seen it in the coffee grounds and I've put out the cards.

信仰行走在玻璃渣子之上,宿醉的纠灼依旧满是肝肠。Your faith walks on broken glass, And the hangover doesn't pass.

杰是爱尔兰人中最极品的渣子,他一直充当着迈尔斯的影子。Jay was Miles' shadow and a scrapper in the best Irish tradition.

用酒冲服,将渣子敷于肿处,可立即止痛,不再成疮。Wine Granules, sediment muscles swelling, immediate pain relief, not as sore.

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珍珠的要素和人的要素一混合,一种奇怪的黑渣子便沉淀了下来。The essence of pearl mixed with essence of men a curious dark residue was precipitated.

苹果母司早期看你把陈产品抛入渣子桶,一有旧产品宣布便来购置。Bpple expects you to dump your old product and buy the new one just as soon as it comes out.

过滤后的渣子灼烧除炭,后用王水溶解残渣。After filtration the remainder is roasted to remove carbon and dissolved in aqua regia again.

我们的车是蓝色,我的午饭也是蓝色,甚至饼干和饼干渣子也成了蓝色。真是好玩。Our car was blue, My lunch was blue, even the cookies and cookie crumbs were blue! What a sight!

费蛇耳开始收拾桌子,用汗衫的袖子划拉桌子上的寿丝渣子。Fisher started clearing the coffee table, using the sleeve of his sweatshirt to catch the crumbs.

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娶了白玫瑰,白玫瑰就是衣服上的一粒饭渣子,红的还是心口上的一颗朱砂痣。Married white roses and white rose is a grain of rice clothes! Red or words on a single cinnabar birthmark.

一瓶葡萄美酒需要千百颗果子酿制而成,果皮和渣子抛给小鸟。Thousands of grapes are pressed to fill one jar with wine, and the grape skin and pulp are tossed to the birds.

一瓶葡萄美酒需要千百颗果子酿制而成,果皮和渣子被抛给小鸟。Th. ousands of grapes are pressed to fill one jar with wine, and the grape skin and pulp are tossed to the birds.

这时她希望自己的妆容都恰当地调和在一起,没有一丁点儿的脂粉渣子掉在她的两腮或者颧骨上。She hoped that her makeup was properly mixed in, that no clump of powder had gathered dustily upon her chin or cheek.

这个维生素口味真不错,口感爽滑,并不像以前我们尝试过其他款的维生素品味片那样吃在嘴巴里觉得像“渣子”。They taste great and have a nice silky mouth-feel, not at all "chalky" like other animal-shaped chewables we've tried.

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别跟他们废话了,咱们哥们一块儿上,还怕他们这点人渣子。Do no with their useless speak, UGG Classic Tall Boots, our elder brothers together up, also fear the remnant son of their this person.

我去的是建设银行新荣巷储蓄所,大家去的时候注意,里面大堂里的那个女性渣子。What I go is the construction bank new glory lane savings bank, everybody goes time pays attention, inside in great hall that feminine sediment.

她们红颜尚在时,定然是长老们的香饽饽儿,一旦年老色衰,便沦为榨干汁水的甘蔗渣子。They Hongyan still, the meat and potatoes of the Elders certainly is a child, once the old and useless, they become a drain juice of sugar cane bagasse.