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别在我面前唠叨!Don‘t nag me!

不要唠叨他。Do not nag him.

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她可能一会儿的工夫就反反复复唠叨好几遍,但她记起来了。But she remembers.

不要向我唠叨!Stop jawing at me!

唠叨少了,耳根清净了。No endless nagging.

妈妈真的很唠叨。Mom can be really naggy.

母亲是一个爱唠叨的人。Mother love is a gabber.

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我们也都讨厌唠叨。We all hate to nag, too.

我就没资格唠叨。I'm not qualified to gab.

她唠唠叨叨地谈着房子的事。She gabbled about houses.

对我唠叨可没用。It is no use to sermon me.

是该停止唠叨的时候了。It's time to stop blabbing.

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你唠叨什么呢?What are you waffling about?

你能不能不那么唠唠叨叨的。Can you just stop chattering?

他的绰号是“唠叨的人。His nickname is "chatterbox."

而且我妈妈有时候非常唠叨。And my mom can be really naggy.

你的爱人很会唠叨吗?Does your sweetheart nag a lot?

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别像个老太婆似的唠唠叨叨烦我。Don't nag me like an old woman.

我已经受够你的唠叨了。I've had enough of your tootle.

她成天唠唠叨叨地找他岔子。She nagged at him all day long.