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他吹嘘道。canapes! he boasts.

她喜欢自我吹嘘。She likes to advertise herself.

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他喜欢自我吹嘘。He likes blowing his own trumpet.

母鸡下蛋后却展尽吹嘘之能事。The hen boasts what she has done.

他总是吹嘘自己力大无比。He always bragged about1 his strength.

我对他空洞的吹嘘有点烦了。I'm getting tired of his empty boasting.

杂志上都在吹嘘这样那样的当季女包。The magazines can tout this or that tiny

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现实与他们吹嘘的相差何止十万八千里。The reality is far from what they boast.

他的吹嘘最终以他的生命为代价。His boasting cost him his life,after all.

听他没完没了地吹嘘自己有钱。Listen to him prating on about his wealth.

那你所吹嘘的狡猾又在哪里啊?Where is your cunning of which you bragged?

她老是吹嘘她的光荣的过去。She is always bucking about her glorious past.

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一个大胆的工人吹嘘他能很好完成任务。A bold worker boasted that he could do it well.

萨姆吹嘘说打扑克牌谁都赢不了他。Sam boasted that he could beat anyone at poker.

杰克虽然很能自我吹嘘,但成就不大。With all hisboasting, Jack achieved very little.

每个人都吹嘘自己的祖父,和他们的贫穷。Everyone brags on their grandaddy, their poverty.

他后来总是吹嘘那个晚上他做的魔力。He still brags about the magic he made that night.

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他到处吹嘘他儿子的智商高。He trumpeted his son's high intelligence quotient.

我的老板神气十足,整天在吹嘘。My boss is a stuffed shirt, bragging all the time.

一个德克萨斯人向一个阿肯色人吹嘘他的农场。Texan was boasting to an Arkansan about his ranch.