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与有权势的男人同居的女人。A woman who cohabits with a man.

黑暗权势不能把我骚扰。No powers of darkness me molest.

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他对有权势者谄媚。He is obsequious to men in power.

他救我们脱离了罪的权势。He saves us from the power of sin.

权势的确是一种品格的试练。Power really is a test of character.

史密斯先生是这个镇上有权势的人物。Mr. Smith is a man of influence in this town.

名、利和权势在死亡面前都是空幻的。Fame, power, wealth-all is vanity before death.

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永不向权势低头,但要摘帽为礼。Never bow to authority, but always tip your hat.

光明食品集团拥有一些有权势和富有的支持者。Bright Food has some powerful and wealthy backers.

另一个答案是,你能交到有权势的朋友。Another answer is that you develop powerful friends.

他仰仗着他父亲的权势。He referred himself to his father's power and influence.

警惕富贵不出三代,小心权势令人堕落。Beware that wealth rarely lasts and power often corrupts.

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过分的权势欲曾使得撒旦变成魔鬼。The desire of power in excess, caused the angels to fall.

这更增加了任职期间本已令人敬畏的权势。This has added to the already awesome power of incumbency.

不谄媚奉承有钱或权势的人。Don't toady to or be obsequious to rich or powerful people.

在好几个世纪里,中国的财富和权势傲视西方。For centuries, Chinese wealth and power dwarfed the West’s.

而以宗教权威,传统和权势为基础It has rested on religious authority, tradition, and power.

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古时候,有一个非常有权势的国王。Long ago, in a very olden time, there lived a powerful king.

他们最喜欢的目标是名星和无多大权势的小官。The ideal targets are cultural celebrities and minor officials.

在中华文化中,老虎代表的力量和权势。In the Chinese culture, the tiger represents strength and power.