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性爱也是一种强有力的社会帮扶形式。Lovemaking is also a powerful form of social support.

中国于2004年开始帮扶筹建孔子学院。China began helping establish Confucius Institutes in 2004.

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他正在努力想以更好的帮扶来解决这个问题。He is trying to figure out a better way to solve the problem.

我的一个嫂子在开罗的一个孤儿帮扶组织工作。My sister-in-law works for a group that supports orphanages in Cairo.

合并“僵尸银行”就像醉汉帮扶醉汉——大家都站不起来。Merging zombie banks is like drunks trying to help each other stand up.

有那些资源可以帮扶轮社吸收新的社友?What are some resources that can help enable the club to recruit new members?

徐光春指出,在这种情况下,帮扶工作也要作一些调整。Xu pointed out that in this case, the work should also help to make some adjustments.

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孙卫说,这名老汉,成为“萤火虫助残社”帮扶的第一个对象。"Sun said, the old man, " Firefly disabled society, "the first targets of assistance.

大量的研究已经证明社会帮扶能增强人体的免疫力,有助于预防感冒。Many studies show that social support revs up the immune system, and helps prevent colds.

黄文董事长作了重要讲话,对挂钩帮扶工作提出了具体要求。Chairman Huang Wen delivered an important speech on the hook Helping put forward specific requirements.

莱拉最终那么做了,她结束了这段让她备受折磨的关系,并加入了一个帮扶小组。Leyla eventually did just that, getting herself out of her abusive relationship and into a support group.

这是上蔡县干部结对帮扶艾滋病致孤学生的一个镜头。This is the end of the Shangcai county cadres AIDS by helping and supporting students in a solitary lens.

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尽管杜聪基金会的首要任务是教育帮扶,但在2005年,河南的地方官员还是很粗暴地关闭了他的办公室。Despite To’s primarily educational mission, local officials in Henan briefly shut down his office there in 2005.

由于冰有浮力,即使是一阵轻风也能帮扶着冰冻卵石一直划过湖床的泥泞底部。Thanks to ice's buoyancy, even a light breeze can send those frozen boulders sailing across the muddy bottom of the lakebed.

自从有了我开机构对我的帮扶,借给我小额贷款,生意中所缺的货物得到了补充,我的收入也得到了提高。Ever since Wokai started helping me and giving me loans I have replenished the goods in my store and my income has increased.

的确,性生活正常的幸福感情能给情侣双方带来强大的免疫效果——放松和社会帮扶。Indeed, a happy, sexually active relationship provides two significant immunological benefits--relaxation and social support.

社会部门缺失应有的教育支持和帮扶,政府部门在相关政策和经费的保障上很是匮乏等。The lack of social support and of financial support from government are also the causes of their plights for their education.

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最终形成国家、社会、学校的三方合力,切实有力地帮扶这些处于深度贫困的少数民族学生。Finally, government, society and universities form three forces. So these badly needy minority students can get practical help.

郧县是湖北省贫困县域,曾被列为国家“八七扶贫计划”帮扶对象。Yun county is a poor county in Hubei province and used to be the target of aid in the Seven-Year Priority Poverty Alleviation Program.

该爱心基金将扩大对艾滋病致孤儿童的援助范围,实现对艾滋病致孤儿童的长期帮扶。The love fund will be expanded to AIDS orphan assistance of the realization of the AIDS orphan in helping and supporting the long-term.