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油菜抽薹了。The rape has bolted.

油菜好比使塑料。Canola is so plastic.

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这里油菜和大麦轮种。Rape and barley are grown is rotation here.

油菜中存在和拟南芥相似的规律。There was similar discipline in Brassica napus.

红烧鲤鱼和鲜蘑油菜。B Red cooked carp and rape with fresh mushrooms.

地里种着小麦、油菜及其他作物。The fields are under wheat, rape and other crops.

香芋扣肉,炝油菜心,米饭,小米粥。Taro cream pork , fried rape, rice, millet congee.

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斯文的同卵双胞胎哥哥拉斯·本德和弟弟一样油菜得不得了。Sven's identical twin brother is every inch as good.

历史上栽培的都是白菜型和芥菜型油菜。History of cultivation are campestris and Brassica juncea.

油菜杂种优势利用途径主要有三系法和两系法。There are two ways in utilization of heterosis in rapeseed.

绍兴万年青是将油菜的菜蕻经烫漂、去水和烘焙制得。The bolts of rape are first quickly boiled, then dried and baked.

转基因油菜作物不可能将一统天下。The transgenic canola plants are not about to take over the world.

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表3为正交设计和油菜数据计算。Table 3 showed the orthogonality design and data calculation of rape.

经济作物有胡麻、油菜、黄花、杏、苹果等。Economic crops include flax, canola, yellow, apricot, apple and so on.

研究了8种除草剂防除冬油菜田杂草的效果。Efficacies of 8 herbicides in winter oilseed rape field were compared.

江苏省为害油菜的?菁花叶病毒有黄斑及枯斑两个。Two strains of turnip mosaic virus were identified on rape in Kiangsu.

间作与混作处理的油菜产量在可比面积上比油菜单作产量高,其中混作产量最高。Also rape seed yield per area in the mix cropping system was the highest.

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高芥酸油菜品种是在工业上具有广泛用途的专用型品种。High erucic acid rapeseed is used widely for special purpose in industry.

甘蓝型油菜无花瓣品系雄蕊雌化不育系的发现和遗传研究。The discovery and study of apetalous sterility mutant in Brassica napus L.

油菜种子中所含的主要成分是油份和储藏蛋白。The seed of Brassica napus mainly contains fatty acid and storage protein.