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对虫子们来说,这是灭顶之灾,但对赫克托尔翻江倒海的胃来说,结局令人宽慰。A soothing end, not for the worms, but for Hector's upset stomach.

当一次又一次的听见公牛那痛苦的叫声,我的胃里翻江倒海似的难受。Feeling sick at my stomach I heard the bull bellowing again and again.

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你躺在你的床上是否被下一百个琐碎的杂事在你的脑海里给折腾得翻江倒海?Do you lie in your bed With the next hundred chores Running through your head?

中国到处都在产生着翻江倒海的变化,而海南岛则是表现这临时候的样板。Changes are happening all over China, and Hainan Island exemplifies this moment.

运动病粘贴剂确实有助于平息晕船的人翻江倒海的胃部感觉。Those motion-sickness patches can really help calm a churning stomach on a boat.

或许是开胃菜在作怪,也有可能是你太紧张了,你的胃如翻江倒海般地不舒服。Maybe it's the appetizers or nerves, but the butterflies in your stomach come flying out.

简单得很,一切都很顺利,只是我的胃象翻江倒海,我想要死。It was a cinch. Everything was okay except that my stomach was upside down and I wanted to die.

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有时,会看到一些男孩子在河里“翻江倒海”,有的钻入水中,有的来回穿梭。Sometime we see some boys in the river. Someone dives into the water, someone swims across the river.

他们有时候就叫它“大数据”,但这样个名头也只适合那种底下翻江倒海的变化。They're sometimes called "Big Data, " but that term is applicable only to some of the changes under way.

在航行结束后的时光里,达尔文遭受了皮疹、腹痛和翻江倒海的呕吐。Darwin experienced abdominal pain, waves of violent vomiting and skin eruptions in his life after the voyage.

沿着发霉般的隧道我们蜿蜒地在狭窄的通道上行进,胃被气味刺激地翻江倒海。The rest of the group followed her, wriggling up the narrow passage and crawling on their stomachs along the mildewed tunnel.

但胃又开始翻江倒海,胆汁返到了嗓子眼——马普安觉得自己真是“有苦水往肚子里咽”。But an angry stomach intervenes. Bile regurgitates back up to the throat -- Andy finds he is literally "swallowing bitterness".

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过了大概二十多分钟,揉的面已经全部做成了饺子,我和姐姐烧的水也已经在锅里翻江倒海了。After about twenty minutes more, and rubbed face have all made dumplings, my sister and I burn of the water has been in pot thread.

整个星期里,我天天在厨房里津津有味地咀嚼着猪耳朵和猪蹄,心花怒放地吞噬着麻婆豆腐和鱼香肉丝,吃得我满脸冒出红红的青春爱国豆,胃里翻江倒海。During the whole week, in the kitchen, I chewed the remaining pig's ear and feet with relish, swallowed with gusto the bean curd and the Yuxiang pork thread.

就像一只有些慌乱的大飞虫被困在一个狭小的空间里一样,这些词句在我的脑袋里翻江倒海,久久不去。Like a mildly deranged, large flying insect trapped in a small space, these words careened and blundered about inside my skull for an inordinate amount of time.

壶口瀑布翻江倒海,气势壮观,富有“烟从水底生,船在旱上行,未雾彩虹舞,晴空雨蒙蒙”的自然奇特景观。Hukou Waterfall big momentum spectacular, full of "smoke from the bottom of Health, the ship in dry uplink, no fog Rainbow Dance, and clear skies rain amid a" unique natural landscape.

斯特灵则继续在左边路翻江倒海,他本可成为第一粒进球的策划者,斯特林精妙的传球找到了哈勒姆·霍普,这名埃弗顿前锋的头球不走运地和门柱再度亲密接触。He continued to cause havoc down the left wing and almost created an opener when his superb cross found Hallam Hope and the Everton striker was so unlucky to see his header hit the post.

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这时,一份看起来像是海鲜的菜上了桌,我尝试了一勺,并问西门这是什么,他告诉我是“牛蛙”,我胃里立马就开始翻江倒海,我今晚上的晚餐到此结束!!!Then a new seafood-like dish appears to the table. I try a scoop and ask Simon what it is. As soon as he answers "BULLFROG" I feel my stomach turn inside out! Dinner's over for me tonight! ! !