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不到大大的冰糖山来?To that big rock candy mountain?

水,冰糖,雪蛤,琼脂。Aqua, Hashima, Sucrosum, Agar Agar.

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血压低可以吃冰糖坝吗?。Can hematic depress take rock candy?

在很多药膳中都冰糖的身影。Many in the Diet have seen crystal sugar.

淋入加饭酒,酱油及冰糖。Pour in vodak, soya sauces and rock sugar.

绿豆一大碗、冰糖适量。A large bowl of mungbean, crystal sugar moderate.

他自己动手用研钵和杵把冰糖研成粉。He ground the rock candy with a mortar and pestle.

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可加入少许冰糖调味作甜汤饮用。Season soup with rock sugar to mark it a sweet drink.

于是,冰糖成了我幼时最爱吃的,也是唯一的零食。Hence, ice-sugar became my youth favorite, and only snacks.

陈醋泡冰糖可以降血压么?。Can rock candy of mature vinegar bubble fall blood pressure?

据乔什描述,就像”在吃一块吓人又锋利的冰糖“。According to Josh, it's like "eating horrendously sharp rock candy".

待冰糖完全融化后熄火,使银耳汤冷却。Flameout stay rock candy melt completely, the tremella soup to cool.

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明天我打算买点川贝,自制冰糖川贝炖雪梨。I plan to buy some herb Chuan Bei tomorrow to put together with sugar.

大都喝一种加入薄荷、冰糖、柠檬的绿茶。Most of then drink the tea with some mint, roch sugar, lemon green tea.

卖冰糖葫芦的老爷爷走街串巷地叫卖。The old man was wandering on the streets selling sugarcoated haws on sticks.

快7个月的宝宝能吃梨跟冰糖蒸水吃吗?。Fast can the darling of 7 months eat pear with water of rock candy evaporate?

以冰糖粉作点缀,传统啲那吥勒斯风味巧克力杏仁蛋糕。The traditional Neapolitan cake of chocolate and almonds , decorated with icing sugar.

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油烧热,放入砂糖炒出香味至冰糖融化。Heat up a wok with salad oil. Add in sugar and salt until fragrant and sugar has melted.

母亲们赞助烘制饼干和坚果巧克力蛋糕,做爆米花和冰糖苹果。Mothers were enlisted to bake cookies and brownies, make popcorn balls and candy apples.

冰糖蒸梨是清肺、化痰、止咳的中国传统药膳。Chinese medical diet for removing heat from the lung, dissolving phlegm and arresting cough.