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原生岩浆是高镁拉斑玄武岩浆。Its primary magma is high MgO tholeiite.

头颈部的恶性脂肪瘤非常少见,尤其是头皮原生的。Liposarcoma of the head and neck is quite rare.

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原生水也被描述为化石水。Connate water is also described as fossil water.

它同时支持原生的和.NET的测试项目。Both native and .NET test projects are supported.

原生支持高清HTML5的WebM视频格式。Native support for the HD HTML5 WebM video format.

石英是原生金银矿物的主要载体矿物。Quartz is main carrier mineral of primary Au and Ag.

原生植物、栽培植物共1639种。Native plant, cultivated plant altogether 1639 kinds.

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白垩系储层以原生孔隙为主。Cretaceous sandstone reservoir is of primary pore type.

紫木的原生金矿为还原型金矿。Zimudang Primary gold ore is called reducing type gold ore.

进而建立了该矿床的原生晕叠加模型。Finally establishing the model of primary superimposed halo.

他们的代码可以无错运行,但对于原生语言用户来说,就是有一些地方不对劲。Their code still works, but it sounds wrong to a native ear.

原生的Windows客户端和手机客户端还处于beta版本。The native Windows client and mobile clients are now in beta.

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所有的原生应用程序和锁第三方应用程序。Lock all the Native Applications and Third party Applications.

众所周知原生生物聚居在饮用水中。Protozoa are known to be common inhabitants of drinking water.

石英是原生银矿床银的主要载体矿物。Quartz in main silver carrier mineral of primary silver deposit.

大部分的原植体现在被归属为复杂的原生生物。Most thallus plants are currently classified as complex protists.

研究混合原生锰矿的浮选工艺。The floatation process for the mixed primary ore is investigated.

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生物体可分别归类为植物、动物及原生生物。Living creatures are classified into plants, animals and protists.

这是原生代码,在使用时由处理器构架编译。This is native code, compiled to the processor architecture in use.

可在原生木质部和初始后生木质部的管胞和导管中见到。It is found in protoxylem and first metaxylem tracheids and vessels.