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我们设宴为他归来接风。We gave a dinner to welcome him home.

是的。明晚将有一个接风宴。Yes, there is a welcoming dinner tomorrow night.

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终于把您给盼来了,摆酒接风总是少不了的。Finally here you are! We've prepared a feast for you.

她正在准备一顿丰盛的饭菜为他接风。She is preparing a substantial meal against his return.

他们正在准备一顿丰盛的饭菜为他接风。They are preparing substantial meal against his return.

他们正在准备一顿丰盛的饭餐为他接风。They are preparing a substantial meal against his return.

我们挤上一辆小面包车,直奔饭店,赴我们的第一场接风宴!We piled into a mini van and were taken to a restaurant for our first banquet! ! ! ! !

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在为戴笠接风的宴会上,丁默群将真正的金编钟交给了戴笠,他要求戴笠放了关萍露。In the Dai banquet, Ding Moqun will really give Jinbianzhong Li, he asked Li put off Pinglu.

风机房连接风道断面型式采用方形效果较好。The cross-section of connecting tube in fan room designed to square cross section is better.

他们准备了一顿丰盛的晚餐,为公司首席执行官的归来接风。They prepared a big dinner against the return of the Chief Executive Officer of the corporation.

消声器接纳阻抗复合消声器,消声器的接口尺寸与所接风管尺寸不异。Impedance compound mufflers are used, the size of interface ofwhelloch should be the same as that of the air tubeconnected to.

谈小爱遇到曹家父母,邀请他们去自己家,并摆了丰盛的接风酒,两个老人十分感动。Small talk about love with cao home parents, invited them to his home, and put the big JieFengJiu, was touched by the two old man.

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回到莫斯科,经过一阵欢宴接风之后,萨哈罗夫去拜访原来派驻荷台达,但回国后就没有返任的领事斯卡波凡科。But back in Moscow, after a round of welcoming parties, Sakharov called on Ivan Skarbovenko, the consul who had preceded him at Hodeida and strangely had not come back.

此外,他恳请他的叔叔让费尔莫百姓为他安排一个体面的接风,这样不仅给乔瓦尼带来面子,也让他自己作为他的学生感到光荣。In addition, he begged his uncle to arrange for an honourable reception from the people of Fermo, one that might bring honour not only to Giovanni but also to himself as his pupil.