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白云谦和地站在天之一隅。The cloud stood humbly in full ofive pgood of the sky.

李博士为人谦和,同时也是一位大无畏的领导。While personally a modest man, Dr LEE was a bold leader.

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有哪一位国王会“谦谦和和地骑著驴”?What king would ever become " lowly , and riding upon an ass"?

她的道路是谦和之道,引领至最终和平王道!And her ways are ways of gentleness, and all her paths are peace.

加工余量是肯定要留的,慎思与谦和,凡事做好万全准备。Think carefully and humble, and they do a good job well prepared.

星期三我们去了华盛顿参加了威谦和温迪的婚礼。On Wednesday we went to William and Wendy's wedding in Washington.

经理A以一种粗暴的方式告知,经理B则态度尊重谦和。Manager A communicated the decision rudely, Manager B with respect.

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聪明的人总是带着恭谦和接受的态度打开前门。The wise man opens his front door with humility and a spirit of acceptance.

为人谦和,有高度的责任心和高尚医德。He is modest affability with high responsibility and nobility medical ethics.

途中可能会失败、会犯错,所以谦和一点,实际一点。You will fail and make mistakes along the way, so stay humble and stay in the now.

此次上海文化周,旨在展示上海文化艺术的特色和海纳百川、追求卓越、开明睿智、大气谦和的城市形象。This year's Shanghai Week aims to showcase the city's spirit, glamour and openness.

第三个挑战是,在保护言论自由的同时采取包容和谦和的态度。A third challenge is protecting free expression while fostering tolerance and civility.

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可见,完全是因为目睹粗鲁或谦和的行为造成了认为粗鲁者更有领导能力的偏见。Simply having witnessed the rude and respectful behavior was enough to create the bias.

保持谦和的心理状态有助于我们达到更高的高度。Maintaining in a modest and peaceful mental state pushes us further up to a higher level.

他为人质朴、谦和,朋友多是坦诚相对、肝胆相照的真朋友。He is simple, modest, honest friends are relative, showing utter devotion to the true friends.

只是,这些礼物所代表的过去,会带给安希、又谦和彦泽什么样的变化呢?Just, these gifts represent the past, will bring inchy, unobtrusive YanZe what kind of change?

中国自古讲究礼仪,言语当中多是体现自谦和敬人。China since ancient times, etiquette, speech which mostly reflect the modesty and respect people.

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谦和的牧民们第一次听到并思索着基督诞世之奇闻。These humble shepherds were the first to hear and ponder the wondrous news of the birth of Christ.

他的自谦和风趣就算用今天乔恩。斯图尔特的标准衡量,依然有滋有味。Lincoln was self-deprecating and funny in a way that will ring true for the Jon Stewart generation.

他指出,在1980年的时候,“悦宾”是一个新概念,“我们真的谦和礼貌。"Pleasing the customer" was a new concept in 1980, he points out. "We were really modest and polite.