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随同著一颗杂净的心灵?。I'm a new soul?

我将随同你一起去。I'll go along with you.

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他随同小羽去拿酒杯。He goes with Kohane to get glasses.

时年26岁的萨拉丁也随同前往。Saladin, at age 26, went along with them.

开心的背后有压力的随同。The happy behind has the pressure concomitance.

1187年其版本随同耶路撒冷的失守而丢失。The text was lost when jerusalem was lost in 1187.

上幼儿园的时候,苏作为看护也随同前往。J. started nursery school, Sue went with him as a helper.

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也许,随同中国航天事业的失败很多很多。Maybe, along with China's space industry failure so many.

一天,一位国王骑马进了森林,王子也随同他前往。One day a King rode into the forest. His son was with him.

小张随同代表团出国访问去了。Xiao Zhang has gone to accompany a delegation on a visit abroad.

观察员可以随同审核组,但不作为其成员。Observers can accompany the audit team but do not act as part of it.

羚羊出生时就发育健全,很快便能随同羚羊群奔跑。Antelopes are born well developed and are soon able to run with herd.

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自己们随同着铿锵有力地鼓声高声地呼吁着,心中燃起啦斗志。We with the sonorous powerful drums loud Shouting, burning their morale.

随同连战访问的有他的妻子、商界领袖和前政界人士。Lien Chan is traveling with his wife, business leaders and former politicians.

解梦师甚至会随同军事将领一起上战场!Dream interpreters even accompanied military leaders into battles and campaigns!

这个包在运行时随同要监视的应用程序一起进行加载。This package gets loaded at run time along with the application to be monitored.

当用户签署报文时,证明随同签名一起被加了进去。When users sign messages, their certificates are added along with the signature.

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疹块皮肤上的小隆起肿块儿,如被虫咬过后,常瘙痒或随同有灼伤感。A small swelling on the skin, as from an insect bite, that usually itches or burns.

乔治娜、梅米和凯特随同剧组来到曼彻斯特,但凯瑟琳没有来。Georgina, Mamie and Kate went to Manchesterwith the company, but Catherine did not.

随同这个乐观的评估,我必须要完全坦白委托一个谨慎的照会。Along with this optimistic estimate , I must in all candor leave one note of caution.