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看人来人往的感觉很不错。And it's great to people watch.

面向人来人往的一面墙的左边的壁画。Left side wall of the school facing road.

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人来人往中,你能发现什么,嗯哼?Come and go. Can you see something un-hun?

屋里人来人往,活动频繁。The house bustled with people and activity.

享受音乐,美食,还有人来人往。And enjoy the music and food and the people.

面向人来人往的一面墙的右边的壁画。The right side wall of the school facing road.

人来人往,道路依然孤独,因为它没有得到爱。The road is lonely in its crowd for it is not loved.

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但是当人来人往之后,这样的一种误读就会越来越少。As we come and go, such misunderstandings will be fewer and fewer.

那是一个初春的下午,游子一般的我又提起行李来到了广州机场,我坐在大厅的一个角落,看着人来人往,就是不见你的身影出现。and came to Guangzhou Airport. Sitting in a corner of the hall, I watched

这段时间的回忆,车去车回,人来人往。This period of time, the car to the car back memories, people come and go.

街道上人来人往,车水马龙,现实就是这样的平静。People and cars go back and forth in the busy streets, calm as the reality.

尽管珠宝店人来人往,黄金交易商仍然非常担忧。Despite the crowd of shoppers in this jewelry store, gold traders are worried.

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那时我已进出白宫几次,它是非常繁忙的,人来人往尤如过渡期间的情况。I had been in and out of the White House a few times by then, it was very busy.

他们吃着素食,看着人来人往,时而大笑,时而彼此轻笑。They ate vegan food, watched the people, laughed, poked gentle fun at each other.

在那人来人往、酗酒、诅咒和开着下流玩笑的喧闹声中。A long while amid the noises of coming and going, of drinking and oath and smutty jest.

每到下午,在住宅区街道构成的小方格中,走人家的访客人来人往。In the afternoons there was regular visiting up and down the little grid of residential streets.

这是九月的一个明郎的下午,纽约大街上,人来人往,五光十色。It was a bright September afternoon and the street of NY city were brilliant with moving people.

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人来人往,老阿婆﹑老阿公﹑年轻人﹑小孩儿,时断时续。People are hurrying to and fro. , old grandma, Grandpa, old young people, children, intermittent.

在人来人往的时代广场,一美国男子不小心刮开了一美国单身女人的超短裙。In a crowded Times Square, an American man accidentally scratch a single American woman miniskirt.

他们安排了一名同事在学生们人来人往的大学校园里放声打喷嚏。So they stationed a colleague on a college campus and had her sneeze loudly as students walked by.