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化险为夷冷却时间从20分钟收缩到10分钟。Rebirth cooldown has been reduced from 20 minutes to 10 minutes.

但你的聪明智慧将能化险为夷并给你带来超强人气。Your intellectual wit will bring greater popularity with your peers.

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但貌似弱小的犹太民族都能化险为夷,依然屹立在世界舞台上。But seemingly weak nation can always still stands on the world stage.

但是,如果您的解决方案是有效的,可能能够化险为夷。But the trade-off is that if your solution works, you might be able to save the day.

在你面临12种生死抉择时,如何巧妙使用椅子,石头,阿思匹林和围巾使你成功地化险为夷。How a chair, rocks, aspirin, and a scarf can keep you alive in 12 do-or-die emergencies.

他得知宝树带来的儿子叶凌青化险为夷的消息,长舒一口气。He received the news of the son of treasure tree bring Ye Lingqing huaxianweiyi, relieved.

因此,我们只有尽可能地规避这些风险,才能化险为夷,获得最大的经济利益。Therefore, we only possible to avoid these risks can be saved, most of the economic benefits.

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此次机场爆炸案中梅普组合的迅即反应或能帮他们“化险为夷”。The airport bombing Mape combination of reaction or can help them immediately, "saved the day."

萨伦伯格认为,自己个人生活中的其它经历也帮助他使1549次航班中化险为夷。There are other moments in Sully's personal life that he feels helped prepare him for Flight 1549.

伍文彪等人走到这里,在小胡子狱警机智掩护下,热合曼和库尔班化险为夷。WuWenBiao et al. Here, take the moustache wit guards under cover of MWCNTS and KuErBan huaxianweiyi.

他做事历练稳重,总能在危机关头随机应变,化险为夷。He handles affairs neatly, maturely, and always plays to the score at critical moment to head off danger.

他在上次比赛中扭伤了背部,这场比赛魔术队再次化险为夷,避免淘汰。He tweaked his back in the last game, when the Magic won to avoid elimination for the second time in a row.

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他们的人生经历就似一个容化险为夷之本领,具显著个性,明确目标,顽强意志且气势恢弘的神话。Their life becomes a fable of character, purpose, perseverance and magnanimity that transcends evil into goodness.

佐夫在场上经常能化险为夷,而舒马赫在绿茵场上则是咄咄逼人和富于个性。Zuof is often able to head off a danger in the field. Shumacher is very aggressive and bound in personality on the field.

王成美遇危急事件,挺身而出,使危急事化险为夷,值得被称颂。In face of the critical event Wang Chengmei stepped forward boldly and headed off a danger. She was worth to be praised by all.

在暗藏争斗的皇室中,LEIF有项鍊的守护,都可以化险为夷。In the royalty that was hidden with conflicts and struggles, LEIF could always avoid risks with the protection of the necklace.

而具有讽刺意味的是,亨利国王和许多人进而认为,此番化险为夷全赖圣人托马斯·贝克特的助佑。Yet he overcame it, and ironically he and many others came to believe that he owed his survival to the help of St Thomas Becket.

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这就要求教师必须具有敏捷的求异思维、发散思维,才能左右逢源,化险为夷。This requires teachers to be the difference with agile thinking, divergent thinking, to the best of both worlds, yet we survived.

1549次航班并不只是从拉瓜迪亚机场飞到哈德逊河的5分钟航程那么简单,是萨伦伯格的整个人生引导着他化险为夷,安全将飞机降落在哈德逊河上。Flight 1549 wasn't just afive-minute journey from LaGuardia Airport to the Hudson. Sully'sentire life led him to safely to that river.

1549次航班并不只是从拉瓜迪亚机场飞到哈德逊河的5分钟航程那么简单,是萨伦伯格的整个人生引导着他化险为夷,安全将飞机降落在哈德逊河上。Flight 1549 wasn't just a five-minute journey from LaGuardia Airport to the Hudson. Sully's entire life led him to safely to that river.