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那时分封的王希律,听见耶稣的名声At that time Herod the tetrarch heard of the fame of Jesus

那时分封的王希律,听见耶稣的名声At that time Herod the tetrarch heard the reports about Jesus

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三是刘邦对项羽分封的不满。Third, Liu Bang are not satisfied with the feudality from Shiang Yu.

另外,我们还分封寄出降价商品清单一份。We have forwarded under separate cover a list of price reductions available.

虢国是西周初分封的重要姬姓国,汉以后的文献中记载了东、西、南、北和小虢五个虢国。Guo state was a vital state surnamed Ji enfeoffed in the early Western Zhou Dynasty.

这些标准订立了使用者对使用者的、电路交换的及分封交换的连线。These standards specify user-to-user, circuit-switched, and packet-switched connections.

分封制是东汉政治的重要组成部分。Title-granting system was an important part of political life in the Eastern Han Dynasty.

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公元732年,法兰克地区的一个叫查尔斯马特尔的统治者向他的下属分封采邑,感谢他们所提供的服务。In 732, Charles Martel gave his soldiers estates known as fiefs as a reward for their service.

对中国古代国家文明起源的探索,就包括在对早期分封的剖析观察中。The exploration of the Chinese ancient civilization involves the analysis of the early vassalage.

五等爵是分封制度下诸侯的法定身份。The five ranks of nobility were the legal status of the monarchs under the system of enfeoffment.

这个国度的奠基人信赖,象美利坚合众国一样大的国度最佳的分封而治,而不应接纳中央集权制。Its founders believed that a country the size of Bmerica is best governed locally, not nationally.

秦改分封制为郡县制,全国划为36郡,属河东郡。Qin enfeoffment system to system for counties across the country designated as 36-gun, an east county.

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受这些议论的影响,司马氏在禅魏前后进行了三次分封。Under the influence of these suggestions, Sima family enfeoffed three times around ascending the throne.

明代共有19位亲王分封于湖广,延绵出一个庞大的宗室群体。The Ming Dynasty there are 19 princes enfeoffed in Huguang totally, which extend huge imperial clan community.

明代诸王分封于各地建藩,对当地的政治、经济、社会等各方面的影响情况亦有所不同。All the enfeoffment Wang of Ming Dynasty had a wide influence on different fields such as local politics, economy, and society.

只是分封的王希律,因他兄弟之妻希罗底的缘故,并因他所行的一切恶事,受了约翰的责备But Herod the tetrarch, being reproved by him for Herodias his brother Philip's wife, and for all the evils which Herod had done

然而第一个敢于对抗王室、小霸中原的,却是先秦时期周王朝分封的最后一个诸侯国,郑国。However, the first one who defied the royalty and dominated Central Plains was Zheng state, the last kingdom appointed by royalty.

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为因应租线的昂贵费用,远距离通讯提供者引入了分封交换网路使用分享线路以降低成本。In response to the expense of leased lines, telecommunications providers introduced packet-switched networks using shared lines to reduce costs.

周公构建的制度中影响重大的有宗法制、分封制、嫡长子继承制、法制等。The most influential systems constructed by Duke Zhou include the patriarchal clan system, feudatory system, hereditary system and legal system.

而随着周王朝人口的增加和不断分封,市场出现了,这改变了井田制契约存在的条件。With the increase of population and enfeoffment, the market came into being, which destroyed the preconditions of the square-fields system contract.