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“意象”即“表意之象”。Imagery is a meaning-oriented image.

他用连结体诗句来表意。He permits enjambment to become the verbal medium.

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分析部首表意性是有意义的。Analyzing ideographic nature of radical is meaningful.

汉字是从中国借鉴的复杂的表意字符书写体系。The kanji are a complex ideographic writing system stolen from China.

汉语是不能用通俗意义上的字母排列来表意的Top 2 Because the language doesn't have the common sense to use an alphabet

你表意识所肯定的想法,不能在片刻之后被你在内心所否定。What you consciously affirm, you must not mentally deny a few moments later.

汉字的表意性使得文字与社会文化有紧密联系。The Chinese ideographic characters have close relations with the social culture.

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表意的抽象性导致小说艺术世界的虚幻化。The ideographic abstractness brings about the illusionary artistic world in novels.

这种定义,过于明显的倾向于表意,有太多漏水的枪眼。This definition , notional as it apparently is, has too many loopholes to hold water.

尽管象形字可以表意,但它们并不表音。Though pictographs indicate meanings, they do not show how they should be pronounced.

共同的信念是,标志或表意的形象体现,是一个组织。The common belief is that the logo or the ideogram is the image embodying an organization.

声符可以表意,这已是不争的事实,然而,声符所寓于被谐字中之意类,却很少有人谈及。However, few people discussed the meaning types of sound symbols in the sound-recording characters.

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第二部分从有色彩词出现的成语着手,分析历代基本色彩词在成语中的表意特点。The second part is based on the color words related to the phrases, analyzing the basic color words.

在40行的代码块了中寻找一个不带任何表意的字符变量,对于维护工作来说简直是场噩梦。Finding a seemingly arbitrary number in the middle of a 40 line block of code is a maintenance nightmare.

不要把研究特殊性的一词与表意符号的一词混淆,后者是衍生于表意符号的形容词。The word idiographic is not to be confused with ideographic, which is the adjective formed from ideogram.

的一词与表意符号的一词混淆,后者是衍生于表意符号的形容词。The word idiographic is not to be confused with ideographic, which is the adjective formed from ideogram.

混杂性﹑表意性和双重声音是小说文本艺术手法上最突出的飞散特色。Hybridity, signifying and double-voice may be the novel's most outstanding diasporic features in artistry.

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表意的主观性和抽象性导致小说偏向表现“形而上的现实”。The ideographic subjectivity and abstractness results in the emphasis in "metaphysical reality" in novels.

在英语抒情诗这种话语方式中,诗人常借助于偏离手段来实现表意寄情的语用效果。In the poetic discourse, deviation is an important means to reveal the poet's innermost thoughts and emotions.

患者的表意能力不同于民事行为能力,其测试标准应考虑理解能力和成熟程度。In the test of competency, unlike the civil capacity, the understanding ability and the maturity should be considered.