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别拿我当出气筒。Don't take it out on me.

我并没有拿那只狗当出气筒。I'm not taking spite out on the dog.

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我知道你不满意,但是不要拿我当出气筒。I know you are unsatisfied, but don't take it out on me.

她因和丈夫生气,就拿孩子来作出气筒。She was so angry at her husband that she took it out on her children.

她简直就是个出气筒,连家里人都不把她当回事。She's plain doormat, for even every member of her family would treat her like dirt.

孩子们没招你惹你的,你干吗拿他们当出气筒?What haudio-videoe the kids done to provoke you? Why should you take it out on them?

成为他人的出气筒对你对他都没有好处。Being another person’s emotional punching bag isn’t good for you and it isn’t good for them.

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当朋友感到郁闷的时候,我们当一下出气筒也没什么不可以。When our friends are depressed it isn't a big problem if they vent their anger in our direction.

而且公众对全球政府都着力救助金融业的不满由来已久,因而高盛不过是为此当了回出气筒罢了。Goldman Sachs has become the lightning rod for public anger about the global bailout of the finance industry.

我们知道我们需要反应过来,并且我认诺丁汉郡,我们的下个对手将会是我们的出气筒!Again, we knew we needed to respond and I think poor old would have been gutted to see that they were our next opponents.

但消费者并未因此赢得什么补偿,拿明星当出气筒的结果,却是败诉后的再次受气。But consumers did not win any compensation when the punching bag star with the results, it is lost again after the Shouqi.

为愤怒左右的孩童更爱玩电子游戏,因为“你可以把游戏人物当做出气筒”。Children citing anger management motivations were more likely to play violent video games because “you can take your anger out on the people in the game.”

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自从她咆哮着现身在她的天主教学校女生制服在1999年,“小甜甜”一直是值得信赖的女孩的时候,每当世界正在寻找一个妙语或一个出气筒。Ever since she snarled onto the scene in her Catholic school girl uniform in 1999, Spears has been the go-to girl whenever the world is looking for a punch line or a punching bag.