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狡猾的狐狸急中生智,装出一副神圣不可侵犯的样子。The fox was very quick-witted and pretended to be sacrosanct.

但马上急中生智,一个主意跳出了她快速转动的脑海。Then suddenly, an idea came into her racing, terrified brain.

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原来狗娃急中生智用手榴弹炸个出口。The original gowardesh used his quick wits to use grenades fry an export.

急中生智,弟弟冲到客厅的沙发上,一头扎进枕头堆里。DD rushed to the sofa in the sitting room, dived his head under the pillows.

但是出纳员急中生智地按下紧急按钮,升起了安全防护墙。However the cashier pressed the emergency button to put up security screens.

伯莎发挥一个女人急中生智的创造才能,冲向门口,猛地打开房门。Bertha, with a woman's quick invention, sprang to the door and flung it open.

但是我自己却不再感到我急中生智的能力还是那般的无限丰富了。But I no longer feel in myself the same unbounded profusion of ready contrivance.

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一位消防员急中生智,将司机从燃烧的车里拉出来。With great presence of mind a fireman pulled the driver away from the burning cab.

上官玉急中生智,假装出门买茶叶,撞见了麻杆儿和便衣。Shangguan jade who pretend to go out to buy tea, hemp stalks and plainclothes caught.

赛门急中生智想出一个聪明而有趣的答案回答妈妈的问题。Simon used his quick wits to come up with a clever and funny answer to his mother’s question.

马蒂·麦佛莱踩滑板逃跑,急中生智,利用肥料车对毕夫·谭能一行人连消带打。Marty McFly escapes using skateboard and play tricks to Biff Tannen and his gang using truck with muck.

乔斯急中生智,迅速把孩子提起来,从安全带中把孩子给拽出来,双手抱着孩子跑回自己车里。At last, he simply yanked the small child through the belt, then ran back to his SUV with her in his arms.

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我一看势头不对,急中生智,赶紧抱住一个人的腿,随着他吼吼挤挤,好不容易上了车。I see a wrong move, momentum, to hold the legs of an individual, as he left squeeze, finally got in the car.

二林急中生智向众人介绍小泉是他在日本的好友“小林”,浅田夫人感到疑惑。Two Lin used his quick wits to introduce Mr Koizumi was his good friend kobayashi in Japan, asada lady wondered.

好汉歌故事情节三个基本母题为急中生智、以谋取胜、以技取胜。It also proposes that basic motif of story plot of hero's song is dealing with emergencies, winning by wisdom and skills.

叶凌青急中生智,从打开柜子里拿出酒精和棉球,然后从药房出去。Ye Lingqing used his quick wits, took alcohol and cotton balls from open the cupboard, and then went out of the pharmacy.

很自然地,我痛恨电视台对“出麻烦的郊区”的“狂轰滥造”的报道,或者任何他们急中生智想出来的类似“可爱”的绰号。I naturally hated television's "team coverage" of "suburbia gone wrong" or whatever similar cute moniker they came up with.

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唉,后来他急中生智,一边跑,一边把提琴拿出来,转身对着公牛拉起一支跳舞的曲子,一边倒着向角落里退去。Well, as a last thought, he pulled out his fiddle as he runned, and struck up a jig, turning to the bull, and backing towards the corner.

我惊恐之余,急中生智,对「爸爸」说︰「爸爸,学校明天田径比赛,我想问问他们欢不欢迎家长参加。」I reacted in that split second, and said, "Daddy, there's an athletic meet tomorrow at school. I want to ask them if parents are invited."

我急中生智,建议他们帮我到厨房里去预备茶,他们俩立刻站了起来,正在这时那魔鬼般的芬兰女佣人用托盘把茶端了进来。I had them both on their feet with the desperate suggestion that they help me make tea in the kitchen when the demoniac Finn brought it in on a tray.