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还有多少事情可以“绿化”?。What else Can be greened?

绿化系统规划。XII green system planning.

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我们应该种更多的树来绿化我们的城市。We should plant trees to our city.

地段上郁郁葱葱的绿化区让您享受。Lots lush green areas for you to enjoy.

“路修到哪里,绿化就跟到哪里”。"Where there is a road, there is green".

使城市绿化有许多优点。Making cities greener has many advantages.

我爱汉普斯特德,因为我爱绿化地带。I love Hampstead because I love green space.

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多数情况下这种医疗保健的绿化方式亦可以省钱。Much of this greenery could also save money.

小区内花园绿化都很好!In the plot the garden afforests is all good!

是城市园林绿化中常见的观叶植物。The urban landscape of common foliage plants.

砖入境通道重音在葱郁的园林绿化。Brick entry walkway accented by lush landscaping.

要想绿化整个非洲大陆,前路依然漫长。That's still a long way from greening a continent.

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你种树,我栽花,快把北京来绿化。You plant trees, I Zhihua, Kuaiba Beijing to Green.

校园绿化面积为2310平方米。The campus afforestation area is 2310 square meters.

为了使我们城市绿化起来,我们应该多栽树。To make our city green , we should plant more trees.

我们应该种植更多的树以使我们的城市变得更加绿化。We should plant more trees to make our city greener.

我们应该种更多的树,绿化我们的城市。We should plant more trees to make our city greener.

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但是现在只缺一道绿化通知。But expect a horticultural announcement any time now.

鉴定一种常见园林绿化树种。Identify one kind of common landscaping seeds of trees.

为了绿化城市,他们每年都栽许多树。To make the city green, they plant many trees every year.