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幼株长到母株一半大小之时就能分离开来。Pups can be separated when they are about half the parent size.

其母株上一次开花是1992年在法兰克福棕榈花园。Its mother plant last bloomed in the Frankfurt Palm Garden in 1992.

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因此,建议选择生根率高、发根能力强且生根快的植株作为采穗母株。So plants with high rooting rate, strong rooting ability should be taken as scion-seed tree.

它们可能由植株直接落到裸露的土壤上,或者连接在死亡的母株上。They may be ejected from the plant onto the bare soil, or entangled on the dead mother plant.

种子雨是指在特定的时间和特定的空间从母株上散落的种子量。Seed rain is the sum of the whole seeds from mother plants in a given time and at a given site.

说明母株的质量对油松萌芽枝的发生有明显影响。It indicated that the impact of the quality of maternal plants on generating sprout shoots was significant.

中龄植株根蘖性很强,能从母株不断生长新株。Middle-aged indivedual is of strong ability of generation and gradually produce new one from mother individual.

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此外对不同年龄段采穗母树插穗的生根能力分析表明,母猪果幼年树母株的生根能力较成年树强。Otherwise, the rooting ability of cuttings from young trees was stronger than that of cuttings from adult trees.

不同品种间生根率存在差异,采穗母株年龄上升,生根率下降。There are differences on rooting rate among different cultivars , the rooting rate declined while the age of tree increased.

变异函数分析表明,种子雨在母株附近有聚集分布特征,远离母株后趋于随机格局。The spatial pattern of seed rain showed an approximately clumped tendency near the parent tree, but a random pattern far from it.

稻米品质性状的遗传表达,可能受母株基因型或胚乳基因型控制,或兼而有之。Genetic expression of rice grain qualities may be subject to the genotype of a maternal plant or the genotype of an endosperm or both.

生长季末期各小区中羊草潜在种群总量远远超过了当年母株数量,寸草苔仅有1∶6小区中的超过了当年母株数量。The total of L. chinensis potential populations exceeded the maternal tillers in this year by a long way and C. duriuscula did only in 1∶6 spot.

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高度郁闭的群落条件可能对于蔓委陵菜母株的无性繁殖以及匍匐茎生长有利。The highly closing-community condition possibly is advantageous for P. flagellaria maternal ramet colon reproduction as well as the stolon growth.

这些结果显示,从笋期到幼竹期,母株对慈竹克隆后代的贡献越来越小。These results indicates that the contribution of mother ramet to clonal offspring becomes less and less from new shoot stage to younger bamboo stage.

而6-BA的喷施对母株的叶面积和叶片数、总叶面积以及总叶片数没有影响。However, leaf area and changes in leaf number of stock plants, total leaf area and changes in total leaf number were not affected by 6-BA application.

当母株长出幼苗的时候,如果可能,一定要剪下旁枝或侧杈,考虑把他们做增殖作为礼物植株。When replanting houseplants that have outgrown their pots, if it's possible to cut away offsets or side shoots, consider propagating them into gift plants.

传播之后,瘦果的小冠毛能够附着在湿润的土壤表面,因此瘦果可以保留在死亡的母株附近并且在那里萌发。After dispersal, the short pappus of the achenes can adhere to the wet soil surface so that the achenes remain near the dead mother plant and germinate there.

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与对照的母株相比,胚乳植株在株形、叶片大小、果实形态及果实的主要营养成分含量上都有较大的变化。In comparison with the controls, significant changes have been observed in the plant shape, leaf size and the shape and main nutrient components of the fruits.

对草原樱桃绿枝扦插不同时期和不同树龄的母株所取得插穗的扦插生根效果进行了分析。The greenwood cutting rooting effect on ground cherry shoots which were picked in different growth periods and different cultivars and age of trees were studied.

一般母株通过不同方式修剪后,萌芽枝发生情况普遍较差,甚至影响到了母株的存活。After using different pruning to the general maternal plants, the quality of sprout shoots were generally low, even it had influenced the survival of maternal plants.