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那则消息使他哀痛。The news made him sad.

时间缓解一切哀痛。Time soften all griefs.

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时间缓解一切哀痛。Time softens all griefs.

你的记忆呶呶不休、哀痛悲戚。Your memory nags and grieves.

她为她死去的孩子哀痛不已。She is mourning her dead child.

时候可以冲淡最强烈的哀痛。Time tames the strongest grief.

她因失去母亲而哀痛。She mourns the loss of her mother.

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但愿无告别的哀痛。And may there be no sadness of farewell.

我惊动了韶光,如今它还我一席哀痛。When the time, now it still has a my sorrow.

我为何因仇敌的欺压时常哀痛呢?Why must I go about mourning, oppressed by the enemy?

我屈身悲哀,如同人为母亲哀痛。I bowed my head in grief as though weeping for my mother.

这是哀痛的一周,泪水可以治疗悲伤。This week is for mourning. Tears have a therapeutic power.

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怀着哀痛的心情,他重新寻访了他所心爱的旧游地。With an aching heart, he had revisited his beloved haunts.

全国人民对总统的去世感到深深的哀痛。All the countrymen felt deeply sorry for the President's death.

我相信,对于我的死,他们都会真心哀痛的。And I feel convinced they have all unfeignedly grieved over my loss.

思念不能自已,哀痛不能自理,幸福不能自予。Miss not from already, grief cannot provide for oneself, happiness can be.

我们的领导人在你们国家所做的一切都使我们备感哀痛。Please understand our sorrow in what our leaders have done to your nation.

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千沟万壑的心脏概况,穿针走线般地缝合进哀痛。The numerous rivers heart surface, threads a needle the line to suture sadly.

长期处在失去女儿的哀痛之中,使得这个女人的精神有点问题。We learn that the woman is ill, in long-term, traumatic mourning for her loss.

失踪望和哀痛在生射中交替轮回,但幸福从不会舍你而去。Disappointments and tragedies in life will come and go, but happiness never leaves you.